GMD Poll: Death's Discography Ranked


Active Member
Apr 18, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
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Directions: Rank Death’s 7 studio albums. Order and number each album 1-7. Ties are not allowed. Your first place album earns 7 points, your second place album earns 6 points, etc.

You may rank as few as 4 albums. Lists with less than 4 albums will not be counted. If you list less than 7 albums, the first placed album will still get 7 points, the last placed album will still get 1 point, and the albums in between will have points distributed proportionately. The average points earned for albums that are not listed will not be impacted positively or negatively, so if you don't rank an album, you neither help it or hurt it.

At the end, the albums will be ranked based on their average number of points per vote.

You have until August 11th to finalize your list, re-familiarize yourself albums you haven’t heard in a while, familiarize yourself with albums you haven’t heard at all, lobby for any albums you think are underrated, and lobby against any albums you think are overrated.

And please, no pseudo-Machiavelli shit. Just rank them as you see them.

List of albums:
Scream Bloody Gore (1987)
Leprosy (1988)
Spirtual Healing (1990)
Human (1991)
Individual Thought Patterns (1993)
Symbolic (1995)
The Sound of Perseverance (1998)
Leprosy (1988) - by far the best, the most aggressive and well-written, makes the rest of his discography almost unnecessary, 8.5/10
Symbolic (1995) - melo-Chuck at his best, good hooks, more riff variety, 7/10
Scream Bloody Gore (1987) - the pioneer, I'm a little hot and cold in terms of loving it sometimes but overall still very good, 7/10
Human (1991) - used to love it but does little for me now outside of childhood nostalgia for Cosmic Sea, plodding, predictable riffs everywhere, but at least it's short and usually has good inter-verse parts, 5/10
Individual Thought Patterns (1993) - Human but with even worse songs and farty bass, 4/10
The Sound of Perseverance (1998) - even worse riffs for the most part and much longer songs, but the increased ambition and occasional good idea save it from being irredeemable, 3/10
Spirtual Healing (1990) - the death metal equivalent of Among the Living, dry pedestrian socially-conscious crap, 2/10, I'd give it a 1/10 if the first verse riff of the title track wasn't fucking awesome
1. Scream Bloody Gore
2. Leprosy
3. Spiritual Healing
4. Human
5. Individual Thought Patterns
6. Symbolic
7. The Sound of Pooserverance

My top four are fantastic rock solid death metal albums. 5-6 are alright but I don't listen to them much. TSoP is suck.

Edit: ha, I just realized I put them in literal release order.
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Reactions: Doomguy
1 - Leprosy - A masterpiece in crushing riffs, brutal rhythms and memorable death metal. Possibly the best of Death Metal in one package.

2 - Scream Bloody Gore - A brutal display of pioneering DM in structure and talent. Little did we know how brilliant Chuck was.

3 - Spiritual Healing - Clean, brutal and concise with the added advantage of Mr James Murphy on awesome fucking lead geeter.

4 - Individual Thought Patterns - Continuing on from and surpassing the brutal/prog feel of Human, this album betters it l feel. Andy LaRocque played a blinder on this. Hoglan is no match for Reinert mind.

5 - Human - Seminal release featuring the otherworldly talents of Sean Reinert and Paul Masvidal.

6 - Symbolic - Rehashed riffs. Probably the most successful Death album...but that says it all doesn't it? Still, love the leads

7 - The Sound of Perseverance - Confused, anti-climatic album. Still Death just not of ye old
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Reactions: RadicalThrasher
Well its really cool we're ranking these guys. Always looking for a reason to throw on one of their albums. I got this either in '95 or '96, memories a little foggy there, but it wasn't too long after Symbolic came out. All I can say is I was binging on cocaine and it seemed like a good I said fuck it
... haha awesome! :kickass:

should have gotten the old school inverted T, but that's still bad as fuck!
The idea crossed my mind but it reflected their current logo. Plus I was raised Catholic, my whole family is bunch of Irish bastards from the south side of Chicago. Would have been more trouble than it was worth.
i wouldn't show that pic to arg, he'll have his tongue up there faster than you can say 'zombie ritual'

Yeah well thats messed up man, thats probably the one crevice that gets overlooked when cleaning, so who knows what's in there? :err:
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Reactions: TechnicalBarbarity
1. Individual Thought Patterns
2. Leprosy
3. Symbolic
4. Human
5. Spiritual Healing
6. Scream Bloody Gore
7. The Sound of Perseverance

I love them all with the exception of TSOT which I like but feel is rather inconsistent in many areas.
1. Symbolic
2. The Sound of Perseverance
3. Scream Bloody Gore
4. Leprosy
5. Human
6. Individual Thought Patterns
7. Spiritual Healing
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