GMD Poll: Deathspell Omega's Discography Ranked


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Apr 18, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
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Directions: Rank Deathspell Omega's 7 albums plus 5 EPs, and number each album 1-12. Ties are OK. Your first place album earns 12 points, your second place album earns 11 points, etc.

  • You may rank as few as 7 albums. Lists with less than 7 albums will not be counted.
  • If you list less than 12 albums, the first placed album will still get 12 points, the last placed album will still get 1 point, and the albums in between will have points distributed proportionately. The average points earned for albums that are not listed will not be impacted positively or negatively, so if you don't rank an album, you neither help it or hurt it.
  • If you don't number your list then it will be assumed that it is ranked in order
At the end, the albums will be ranked based on their average number of points per vote.

You have until Saturday, November 28th at 10:00 AM PST to finalize your list, re-familiarize yourself albums you haven’t heard in awhile, familiarize yourself with albums you haven’t heard at all, lobby for any albums you think are underrated, and lobby against any albums you think are overrated.

Infernal Battles (2000)
Inquisitors of Satan (2002)
Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice (2004)
Kénôse EP (2005)
Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum (2007)
Veritas Diaboli Manet in Aeternum: Chaining the Katechon EP (2008)
Mass Grave Aesthetics EP (2008)
Paracletus (2010)
Diabolus Absconditus EP (2011)
Drought EP (2012)
The Synarchy of Molten Bones (2016)
The Furnaces of Palingenesia (2019)
I decided to count all 5 EPs, as I think most people who listen to DSO's albums also listen to their EPs. Also, there's no logic to how DSO catalog their albums. Kénôse is 36 minutes, and is called an EP, while TFOP is 29 minutes but is called a full length.
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Also, there's no logic to how DSO catalog their albums. Kénôse is 36 minutes, and is called an EP, while TFOP is 29 minutes but is called a full length.
Plus they also released Diabolus Absconditus and Mass Grave Aesthetics together but I based my rankings on how you've got them listed. Was actually contemplating putting Furnaces at number 2. Still really high on that album.

1. Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum
2. Paracletus
3. The Furnaces of Palingenesia
4. Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice
5. Drought
6. Diabolus Absconditus
7. The Synarchy of Molten Bones
8. Mass Grave Aesthetics
9. Kénôse
10. Veritas Diaboli Manet in Aeternum: Chaining the Katechon
11. Inquisitors of Satan
12. Infernal Battles
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1. The Furnaces of Palingenesia
2. Paracletus
3. Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum
4. The Synarchy of Molten Bones
5. Kénôse
6. Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice
7. Veritas Diaboli Manet in Aeternum: Chaining the Katechon
8. Drought
9. Diabolus Absconditus
10. Mass Grave Aesthetics
11. Inquisitors of Satan
12. Infernal Battles

Big props to cf! I talked a lot of shit about this band during my first couple of years here (mostly dumb trolling rather than genuine criticism) but after I took crimsonfloyd's recommendations onboard I realized how great they are, and then The Furnaces of Palingenesia dropped and they've become a staple in my listening habits. Fucking amazing band with one of the strongest discographies ever (and so much to discover as you relisten).

Only things here I wasn't already familiar with was the first album and some of those EPs so their placement is based on just one listen. Potentially a controversial ordering? Their later material clicked most with me and then I started working my way backwards, so...
Best DsO album is this:

I'm going to attempt a re-listen of some of these (Drought, Mass, Veritas, and Inquisitors mainly), but I'm comfortable with this list for now.

1. Paracletus
2. Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum
3. The Furnaces of Palingenesia
4. Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice
5. Drought
6. The Synarchy of Molten Bones
7. Mass Grave Aesthetics
8. Veritas Diaboli Manet in Aeternum: Chaining the Katechon
9. Inquisitors of Satan
10. Diabolus Absconditus
1. Paracletus
2. Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum
3. The Furnaces of Palingenesia
4. Mass Grave Aesthetics
5. Kenose
6. Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice
7. Diabolus Absconditus
8. The Synarchy of Molten Bones
9. Drought
10. Veritas Diaboli Manet in Aeternum: Chaining the Katechon
11. Inquisitors of Satan
12. Infernal Battles
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I can hardly believe that I haven't listened to a new DsO release in 10 years. Paracletus and Fas are some amazing examples of modern BM and I enjoy them every now and then, but haven't checked if they released anything new. I was going to participate since I really like DsO, but looks like I got some new albums to explore first!
I can hardly believe that I haven't listened to a new DsO release in 10 years. Paracletus and Fas are some amazing examples of modern BM and I enjoy them every now and then, but haven't checked if they released anything new. I was going to participate since I really like DsO, but looks like I got some new albums to explore first!

The Synarchy of Molten Bones is good but a little stale stylistically; still worth checking out. The Furnaces of Palingenesia is super interesting. On the whole is slower and a bit less intense than Fas and Paracletus, but it's super dark and eerie sounding. Really great release.
1. Paracletus (2010)
2. Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum (2007)
3. Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice (2004)
4. Inquisitors of Satan (2002)
5. Kénôse EP (2005)
6. The Synarchy of Molten Bones (2016)
7. The Furnaces of Palingenesia (2019)
8. Infernal Battles (2000)
9. Drought EP (2012)
10. Mass Grave Aesthetics EP (2008)
11. Veritas Diaboli Manet in Aeternum: Chaining the Katechon EP (2008)
12. Diabolus Absconditus EP (2011)
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fuck, i really want to do this, but it's a difficult and precarious journey. Si monumentum is so challenging to listen to. Such a great album tho
12) Infernal Battles (2000)


Average points per vote: 2/12

Hahahaha, thats their best one by far. The feeling on "Infernal Battles" has yet to be matched by the band...

That's just so not true. Infernal Battles is the weakest by a wide, wide margin. It's basically an EP plus a poorly produced demo. Happens to have a few moments, but come on.

Let's put it this way: I fucking love Drunkard because they sound like Kreator and are damn proud of it. I feel the same way with early Deathspell Omega sounding like Darkthrone. Si Monvmentvm Reqvires Circvmspice is interesting and very moving to sit down to and just listen, but I can bang my head to Infernal Battles. :Spin:
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11) Veritas Diaboli Manet in Aeternum: Chaining the Katechon (2008)


Average points per vote: 3.5/12

I picked up Veritas Diaboli Manet in Aeternum- Chaining the Katechon shortly after it came out in 2008, having heard a lot of good things about the band. It showcased their intense dissonant sound, and their thick, spiteful atmosphere, but I didn't really get it at first, for whatever reason.
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9) Inquisitors of Satan (2002)


Average points per vote: 4.7/12

Inquisitors of Satan... It's a nice album, but that's really high praise there. The slower tracks are really good, but I think the faster ones tend to get same-y.

Inquisitors Of Satan is beautifully done, and harnesses the raw energy of building repetivive yet intriguing riffs onto a very crisp, organic production.

Whatever. And last note on DSO, if all of Inquisitors of Satan were as good as its last three songs, we'd have a monumental album.