GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 1981


Lol, what a moron.
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Mort isn't dumb, just pretentious and leftist. A guy that accuses people of having bad English for using too many commas, all the while neglecting the existence of apostrophes, on the other hand...
aren't to only


And I thought it was Talos you accused, not HP Lovecraft, but same diff. It was weird that you of all people would suddenly go on some kind of grammar Nazi witch hunt a couple weeks ago. I assume someone on another forum accused you of having bad English recently so now you're taking it out on people here to feel better about yourself.
Not a joke post. Baroque is the only person I've seen posts from that come off as pretentious. Usually when he starts talking about how "you either get 'complex' music or you don't". Then again, I don't really read much in the GMD social forum so maybe that's where Mort shows his supposed pretentiousness.
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Mort has described himself as proud to be an elitist, iirc. He's the duchess of the in-crowd and used to frequently shit on people with Bad Taste(tm).

Also I think Baroque is just bantering a bit with that, but I might be biased/misreading him because I've known him from various forums going back 15 years ago, and in the past he seemed like a regular dude.

is this a joke post?

some of his best opinions are metal related.

And are you really going to deny the pretentiousness of the most pretentious poser to ever grace these forums? :lol:

How is Mort a poser? Are you saying he isn't really an effeminate Kpop-lover? His tastes are in-crowd as fuck but that's not the same thing as a poser.
i meant poster, most pretentious POSTER here. And like i've said before, IN-CROWD isnt just taste.


And I thought it was Talos you accused, not HP Lovecraft, but same diff. It was weird that you of all people would suddenly go on some kind of grammar Nazi witch hunt a couple weeks ago. I assume someone on another forum accused you of having bad English recently so now you're taking it out on people here to feel better about yourself.

ive never been a grammar nazi, i just made fun of talos for being pretentious little twat. you and HP came out of left field with the grammar bullshit. you really need a reality check, bruh

You consistently showcase your inability to mentally grasp even the most simple of posts. And being delusional and coming up with your own conclusion on a regular basis doesn't help there either. No one goes back on things they say here more than you do, or even comes close tbh. So I'd have to question phylactery's intelligence for even entertaining the idea that you're smart.

oh and i dont post on other boards
And I thought it was Talos you accused, not HP Lovecraft, but same diff. .

I never accused talos of having bad grammar. I also never accused HP of having bad English either. But yes, thank you for once putting your idiocy on display for all of us.
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:lol: yeah, English definitely isn't your strong point.

Is that why you make 3rd grade grammatical errors in almost every post you make?

IS THAT WHY you made a post yesterday that had like 5 commas in a single sentence? :lol:l

im(no comma just for you babe) not the one pretending to be articulate and have never tried to come off as some type of "mr english major", i just make fun of pretentious faggots like you and talos who try to come off as "articulate". Especially ones who cant even put together a proper sentence.

Let's see here: you start with an unsubstantiated criticism of Talos' English, HP Lovecraft calls you out as a hypocrite, you bring up a post HP Lovecraft had made containing "5 commas in a single sentence", and then imply that he can't put together a proper sentence.


... HAHA wow you cant read at all haha gay ...
so you called me a grammar nazi(after trying to knock on my grammar in your first post, smh) and pointed out posts where HP basically put on his grammar nazi hat? :lol: thank you for once again proving my point. Grade A moron.

and you yourself are an in-crowder, and have been for a while now. The courtyard/GMD jester.
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Yeah, ignore where you brought up bad English first, lmao lmao lmao so gay hahahaha lmao. So what were you trying to say when you replied to HP Lovecraft regarding his use of 5 commas in a sentence?

Witness all, the glorious birth of an in-crowder:


forgot about Atheist (fixed), but i wouldn't consider anything from Massacre, Gorod and especially The Chasm essential DM, even though im a big fan of the first two bands mentioned.


all great bands, but are you serious? The Chasm and Asphyx? Greatest death metal bands of all time? LOL!

Death's catalogue is untouchable, not one weak album ... not only are they the greatest Death metal band ever, id say they are easily one of the top 5 metal bands of all time.


The Chasm are fucking awesome. Farseeing the Paranormal Abysm and Procession are my favorites.

I don't think you're a total poser or in-crowder btw, I just think you're someone that has an unusually strong need for the validation of others.
ummm, yes? And not one of those opinions has changed. Nothing from Massacre, Gorod or The Chasm is essential DM. The Chasm and Asphyx are not the greatest DM bands of all time and yes Deaths' catalogue is untouchable and they are one of the greatest metal bands of all time. Oh and yes, Farseeing and Procession are my favorite The Chasm albums. but nowadays i prefer Farseeing.

i think i need to thank you here again.