GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 1994

How is it not? The Quake series was the successor to the Doom series (or are you disputing this?) so it is kind of natural that the first Quake game is the successor to the last (from that era) Doom game?
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You are pretty anal about your definition of "direct successor"...
so are you, you were talking about gameplay a little while ago. Do Doom and Quake share the same unreal engine? Did Doom and Wolfenstein share the same game engines? Where any of those games in the same worlds/universes? I think the answer to all of those questions is a no. So no, i definitely would not call them "direct successors" to those franchises.
But the point of a SUCCESSOR is that you develop it further, like you know, a new and better engine maybe?

By your defintion Red Alert isn't even a successor to C&C because they are set in different universes.
But the point of a SUCCESSOR is that you develop it further, like you know, a new and better engine maybe?

By your defintion Red Alert isn't even a successor to C&C because they are set in different universes.

the successor claim is based on gameplay, though. saying Doom and Quake are successors is so strange because they are so different
By your defintion Red Alert isn't even a successor to C&C because they are set in different universes.
no its not, since they are a part of the same franchise. I have made this clear numerous times.

Do you know what a successor means in terms of game franchises/series? I think you are talking about successors of genres or something. Which means nothing here since we were originally comparing series', not genres.

Command and Conquer is not a "direct successor" to Dune 2. fact

Warcraft 2 was the direct successor to Warcraft

Red Alert was the direct successor to C&C

Doom 2 is the direct successor to Doom

Quake 2 was the direct successor to Quake

It's pretty simple, Red Alert was Westwoods answer to Warcraft 2 and they were the two giants who competed with each other for yeeeaaars.

Maybe you should try using "spiritual" or something instead of "direct" next time.
But Wolf3D and Doom aren't and Dune II and C&C aren't very different in gameplay.
yes, they are. Sharing a few aspects of gameplay doesn't mean they aren't different games.

I'm curious, have you played Doom and Wolfenstein? So in other words ... every early shooter that came out back then was a successor to the ones before it? Was Hexen a successor to doom because it was also a guy who walked around in first person and killed people with weapons?
My definition of successor here is a game in similar vein made by the same company/guys you did a game before it with the intent to develop and expand on the game before. THAT is the definition I went by when I made the orignal post were I first compared DUNE II and Warcraft with the game by the same company that came out after it -> C&C and Warcraft II. I've made no claim that it has to be the same universe, franschise, or anything else. Maybe the word "direct" was wrong, I ment it in the sense that it was the next game by the company with the intent of being the "next level", nothing else.
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TechBarb has no idea what he's talking about, as usual.
this is hilarious coming from the most delusional person on this board. But maybe you dont know what a "direct successor" is when it comes to franchises/series? If not, maybe i can pull out my spoon and start feeding you again. Quake and Doom are two different worlds, and run on two different game engines. You are an idiot. "BUBUBUT ITS WAS ONE OF THE NEXT POPULAR SHOOTERS WHICH MEANS IT WAS ITS DIRECT SUCCESSOR" :lol: as expected

Vilden, watch out, TechBarb was TEN YEARS OLD when he was playing C&C, he's practically your grandfather.

11 bitch, and i played it for years.
this is hilarious coming from the most delusional person on this board. But maybe you dont know what a "direct successor" is when it comes to franchises/series? If not, maybe i can pull out my spoon and start feeding you again. Quake and Doom are two different worlds, and run on two different game engines. You are an idiot. "BUBUBUT ITS WAS ONE OF THE NEXT POPULAR SHOOTERS WHICH MEANS IT WAS ITS DIRECT SUCCESSOR" :lol: as expected

11 bitch, and i played it for years.

It was the franchise which directly followed the Doom franchise. And no, Heretic/Hexen was not a successor; it licensed the Doom engine and was created by Raven, not iD. As usual, you know nothing.

Funny coming from a guy that thinks iD used the "unreal engine", lmao.

so are you, you were talking about gameplay a little while ago. Do Doom and Quake share the same unreal engine? Did Doom and Wolfenstein share the same game engines? Where any of those games in the same worlds/universes? I think the answer to all of those questions is a no. So no, i definitely would not call them "direct successors" to those franchises.

Huge fucking poser. I doubt you played any of those games when they were released.