GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 1994

Also, here's the definition of successor since there is probably no equivalent word in Armenian:

a person or thing that succeeds another.
"Schoenberg saw himself as a natural successor to the German romantic school"
synonyms: heir (apparent), inheritor, next-in-line
"Mary was the rightful successor to the English throne"
i still have my original copies of Warcraft and Red alert, back from when you were probably still hanging off of your mothers rancid nipples.

And it was created by the same guys who made the unreal engine, and my point that they were two different game engines still stands. To call it a direct successor just because it was the next big shooter is about as retarded as most of the regular garbage you spew out here.

And did i call hexen a successor? Or have you not took your meds again today? And lol @ "IT WASNT POPULAR ENOUGH SO ITS WASN'T A DIRECT SUCCESSOR" :lol:
Also, here's the definition of successor since there is probably no equivalent word in Armenian:

a person or thing that succeeds another.
"Schoenberg saw himself as a natural successor to the German romantic school"
synonyms: heir (apparent), inheritor, next-in-line
"Mary was the rightful successor to the English throne"

do you not know what a direct successor means when talking about A SERIES/FRANCHISE? again, are you having trouble with your reading today? I blame it on the tainted genetics
Also, here's the definition of successor since there is probably no equivalent word in Armenian:
It's the other way around, a simple language like english doesn't have words that come from ancient, rich and dense languages like Armenian. It's actually a running joke among most people who speak other language. And is one of the easiest languages to pick up. But what would a hillbilly like you now? You didn't even know what the Caucasus were a few years back.
i still have my original copies of Warcraft and Red alert, back from when you were probably still hanging off of your mothers rancid nipples.

And it was created by the same guys who made the unreal engine, and my point that they were two different game engines still stands. To call it a direct successor just because it was the next big shooter is about as retarded as most of the regular garbage you spew out here.

And did i call hexen a successor? Or have you not took your meds again today? And lol @ "IT WASNT POPULAR ENOUGH SO ITS WASN'T A DIRECT SUCCESSOR" :lol:

What was created by the same guys who made the Unreal engine?

I said nothing of popularity. C&C was a successor to Dune 2. Quake was a successor to the Doom franchise. C&C and Warcraft 2 were contemporaries. All your historical revisionism doesn't change that.
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only if his uncle/dad knew what kind of direct successor they were going to have. Then they wouldnt have plugged their own sister.

What was created by the same guys who made the Unreal engine?

do you know who John Carmack is?

I said nothing of popularity. C&C was a successor to Dune 2. Quake was a successor to the Doom franchise. C&C and Warcraft 2 were contemporaries. All your historical revisionism doesn't change that.

again, im sorry that you dont know what a "direct successor" is when talking about a series/franchise. I truly am. I hope everything works out for you in the future, i truly do. Now i will go and watch The Raging Bull which was the "direct successor" to Rocky, right? And then i will watch The Bourne series, the "direct successor" to the Bond films ... 'mirite :lol:
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It's the other way around, a simple language like english doesn't have words that come from ancient, rich and dense languages like Armenian. It's actually a running joke among most people who speak other language. And is one of the easiest languages to pick up. But what would a hillbilly like you now? You didn't even know what the Caucasus were a few years back.
These days whenever a language needs a word it doesn't have yet, it takes about 5 seconds to find a suitable one to steal. Also, I've read plenty of English that's too dense for me, at least.
again, im sorry that you dont know what a "direct successor" is when talking about a series/franchise. I truly am. I hope everything works out for you in the future, i truly do. Now i will go and watch The Raging Bull which was the "direct successor" to Rocky, right? And then i will watch The Bourne series, the "direct successor" to the Bond films ... 'mirite :lol:

Chronological history of iD's FPS games: Wolf 3D -> Doom -> Doom 2 -> Quake
Chronological history of Westwood's RTS games: Dune 2 -> C&C -> C&C RA

Each game listed was directly followed by another game in the same genre by their respective developers. Therefore, not only are they successors, they are direct successors, even though they are not all sequels.


What was created by the same guys who made the Unreal engine?
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Chronological history of iD's FPS games: Wolf 3D -> Doom -> Doom 2 -> Quake
Chronological history of Westwood's RTS games: Dune 2 -> C&C -> C&C RA
Different engines, different gameplay, different worlds/setting =/= direct successor. Again, i am sorry that you are not capable of processing this.

And i meant Quake engine(which was made by id). John Cormick was one of the lead programmers for Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein etc. And they all used different engines and almost all had different teams on them if i remember correctly

So in your words ... Rage is the direct successor to Quake? :lol:
Different engines, different gameplay, different worlds/setting =/= direct successor. Again, i am sorry that you are not capable of processing this.

And i meant Quake engine(which was made by id). John Cormick was one of the lead programmers for Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein etc. And they all used different engines and almost all had different teams on them if i remember correctly

So in your words ... Rage is the direct successor to Quake? :lol:

Engine means nothing. By that logic, Unreal 2 isn't a direct successor to Unreal. But clearly you know nothing about that if you confused idTech with Unreal Engine twice. :lol:

Dune 2 and C&C have very similar gameplay. Aside from true-3D-ness, so do Doom and Quake. You would know this if you had actually played any of them.

I've never played Rage but I thought it was some kind of racing/driving game not very related to iD's other shooters.
Someone should just slide into John Carmack's DMs on Twitter and ask him because this conversation is way past the point of being an interesting or novel diversion.
Engine means nothing. By that logic, Unreal 2 isn't a direct successor to Unreal. But clearly you know nothing about that if you confused idTech with Unreal Engine twice. :lol:

Dune 2 and C&C have very similar gameplay. Aside from true-3D-ness, so do Doom and Quake. You would know this if you had actually played any of them.

I've never played Rage but I thought it was some kind of racing/driving game not very related to iD's other shooters.
i didn't confuse anything you idiot, i brought up Quake initially so obviously i was talking about the quake engine. But its not beyond you to stick to obvious mistakes since you have nothing else here.

I've played Dune 2 a lot, and i still own my original copies of every other game in question here. Do you? By your logic Rage is the direct successor to Quake. I still play quake and doom today ... and the fact that you entertain the idea that they have identical gameplay or run on a similar but tweaked up engine just proves you have never really sat there and played those games. You probably did what you do with music, played it for 5 minutes and came up with some retarded conclusion only to come back and admit you were wrong later.
i didn't confuse anything you idiot, i brought up Quake initially so obviously i was talking about the quake engine. But its not beyond you to stick to obvious mistakes since you have nothing else here.

I've played Dune 2 a lot, and i still own my original copies of every other game in question here. Do you? By your logic Rage is the direct successor to Quake. I still play quake and doom today ... and the fact that you entertain the idea that they have identical gameplay or run on a similar but tweaked up engine just proves you have never really sat there and played those games. You probably did what you do with music, played it for 5 minutes and came up with some retarded conclusion only to come back and admit you were wrong later.

You confused the Quake engine with the Unreal engine twice, that's how uninformed you are. :lol:

From what I'm finding, Rage is considered to be of a fairly different style compared to Quake. If you google '"rage" "successor to quake"', you get no results calling Rage a successor to Quake. If you google '"quake" "successor to doom"', you get plenty of examples. I'm going to guess that Rage was one of your first video games and that you had never heard of iD prior to it.
1. Burzum-Hvis lyset tar oss: No record better captures the essence of black metal than Hvis lyset tar oss: the raw, heathen spirit, the peculiar fusion of power and powerlessness, the consuming atmosphere, and the naturalistic ambiance. Yet, in defining the genre, Hvis lyset tar oss transcends it. Hvis lyset tar oss is universal: it expresses horror and repulsion at the homogenization of culture, thought, and lifestyle. It snarls at the aesthetics, values, and sensibilities of monolithic light of Western culture and Christianity. And yet, it is also highly specific: it is the perfection of the Norwegian black metal sound, with primitive drumming, haunting synths, primal howls and harsh yet hypnotic guitar work. Finally, Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is simply a magnificent journey, traveling through tragedy, fury, retribution, and defeat before finally settling in a space of mystical detachment.

2. Darkthrone- Transilvanian Hunger: Transilvanian Hunger is minimalism perfected. This record is lifelessness expressed through the living. It's as if Darkthrone are mere surrogates for a cold and foreign force. The drums basically repeat the same droning pattern from start to finish, creating a hypnotizing ambiance. The riffs are strange and twisted, sounding simultaneously majestic and grotesque. The cold, emotionless vocals sound as if they're coming from the atrophied mouth a corpse. While this record has been imitated countless times thanks to its simple song structures and lo-fi production, it's chilling, detached execution is virtually unparalleled. No other record sounds so inhumane, in the truest sense of the word. Said succinctly, Transilvanian Hunger is music devoid of the human form of life.

3. Incantation- Mortal Throne of the Nazarene: The album cover to Mortal Throne of the Nazarene is a perfect preview for this masterwork. A set of dismembered body parts are pieced together into a transcendent work of art. Likewise, the various elements of this album, each grotesque in its own right, come together to express something simultaneously demented and profound. Everything about this record is crushing. The drums and bass create a throttling thunder sound, beneath which some of the most demonic and monstrous death metal growls reside. Atop this massive low-end is a series of grotesque riffs. Yet, it is the variety in tempos that push the album of the top. It’s like watching a wild predator chase down its prey and then slowly shred it apart.

4. Enslaved-Vikingligr veldi: On Vikingligr veldi, Enslaved integrate elements of progressive and psychedelic rock, plus ideas from Bathory's viking metal records into the Second Wave template. This leads to epic compositions in which blistering passages of black metal stand side by side with psychedelic passages and bombastic leads. Vikingligr veldi is also philosophically distinct from the other early Norweigian black metal records. While most Second Wave records dwell on an opposition to Christianity, Vikingligr veldi dramatizes and glorifies Norway's viking heritage. Although there are still plenty of dark and foreboding passages, this is ultimately an uplifting, prideful, and empowering monument to Norway's epic history.

5. Emperor- In the Nightside Eclipse: In the Nightside Eclipse is the most influential and popular symphonic black metal album of all time and it's not hard to see why. The record has a vast and icy ambiance that lends itself to the magisterial synth and guitar work. Emperor do an excellent job of blending somber and depressive passages with moments of pomp and bombast, culminating in a lurid majesty that lives up to the band's namesake.

6. Satyricon- Dark Medieval Times:
Dark Medieval Times epitomizes the essential elements of the early Norwegian style. The raw yet echoic production creates a haunting, foresty ambiance. The music shifts between slower, depressive passages and fast-paced, throttling passages. Throughout, there's a hint of majesty embedded within an aura of doom. Keyboards and acoustic guitars are subtly infused, creating hypnotic background textures that occasionally take center stage, such as folky interludes on the title-track and the apocalyptic synths that close out "The Dark Castle in the Deep Forest."

7. Graveland- Carpathian Wolves: Carpathian Wolves is an unsettlingly dark album. Everything about this record just seethes darkness, from the vile snarls to the vicious riffs to the blaring synths that sound like the soundtrack to the doorway to Hell. The compositions are raw, tribal, and warlike, but also convey a profound, dark mysticism. The album also kicks off with the best piece of black ambient ever recorded.

8. Gorgoroth- Pentagram: Gorgoroth's debut is unrelentingly vicious. The riffs are cold and violent and the drums throttle like a war hammer. The vocals are as high, shrill, and thin as any put to record, functioning like a needle repeatedly puncturing skin. The culmination is an invigorating display of hate.

9. Gorement- The Ending Quest: A uniquely majestic death metal album that implements a variety of depressive and haunting elements (bass leads, synths, acoustic guitars, etc.) to great effect. There is a strong balance between melodic doom metal and churning death metal, but it is the chilling melodies that most resonate on The Ending Quest.

10. Mayhem- De mysteriis dom Sathanas: It took years for De mysteriis dom Sathanas to click with me. Attila Gábor Csihar's low, gurgled vocals and the spooky ambiance of the album didn't sit right with me. It wasn't until I saw the album performed live in its entirety that I learned to appreciate this album for what it is. It strives to find a balance between atmospherics and precision, and for the most part, it hits the mark. De mysteriis dom Sathanas contains excellent musicianship across the board, including arguably the greatest drumming performance in the history of black metal, and the cleanest documentation of iconic guitarist Euronymous's stellar guitar skills; even Varg provides some exquisite basslines (the bassline from "Life Eternal" is unforgettable). Attila's vocals are indeed hit and miss, as at times his vocals come off as campy, but for the most part, he's effective and his performance on the title track is absolutely chilling.

11. Cryptopsy- Blasphemy Made Flesh
12. Graveland- The Celtic Winter
13. Rotting Christ- Non Serviam
14. Megadeth- Youthanasia
15. Xibalba- Ah Dzam Poop Ek
16. At the Gates- Terminal Spirit Disease
17. In Flames- Lunar Strain
18. Infester- To the Depths, in Degradation
19. Forgotten Woods- As the Wolves Gather
20. Thergothon- Stream From the Heavens
21. Bethlehem- Dark Metal
22. Bolt Thrower- ...for Victory
23. Dream Theater- Awake
24. Satyricon- The Shadowthrone
25. Tiamat- Wildhoney

Everything up to 21 is at least an A-. An absolutely phenomenal year.