GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 2000

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I enjoyed discovering Portal at MDF since it was an unfamiliar style and they were crazy live, but listening to their recordings since then has done nothing for me. Sounds like one idea repeated for a whole album.
... and which moron was it that compared Portal to Immolation? That sounds like something only you would say.

Clearly -CyanideChrist- considering he just said it a few posts above mine.

I love both Portal and Immolation, but beyond sharing a subgenre, how could you equate the two?

They're both sort of part of the "atmospheric death metal" sub-sub-genre. But yeah that's about it.
afaik they were pretty much the starters of the thing that bands like Ulcerate would take further. Less chugging, less clinical death metal structure, more open and dissonant chords, more doomy passages and shit, etc.

Like, you would have Immolation and maybe Obscura-era Gorguts at the center, then Ulcerate would be one branch away from it, Portal another branch, etc. Although I'll admit that Portal has an uglier sound and more occult vibe iirc which is almost more of an Incantation thing, so maybe they're like Immolation writing with Incantation atmosphere with a lot of bullshit thrown on. I'm not trying to make a definitive claim onto the phylogeny of it all, but certainly if there was a first cohesive prototype to the sound, Immolation would be very close to it.
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1) Destroyer 666 - Phoenix Rising
2) The Lord Weird Slough Feg - Down Among the Dead Men
3) Antaeus - Cut Your Flesh and Worship Satan
4) Quicksand Dream - Aelin: A Story about Destiny
5) Megiddo - The Devil and the Whore
6) Virgin Steele - House of Atreus Act II
7) Primordial - Spirit the Earth Aflame
8) The Chasm - Procession to the Infraworld
9) Nifelheim - Servants of Darkness
10) Nunslaughter - Hell's Unholy Fire

Honorable Mentions:
Immolation - Close to a World Below
Sabbat - Satanasword
Wolf - Wolf
Yeah, that's pretty outrageous.

Do you disagree that Immolation, post-debut (which is a generic album that sounds nothing like their later output) had a higher emphasis on atmospheric, less-chuggy writing than most/all of their contemporaries?
Since you like to rely on consensus like a good little Balkan drone, TechBabe, Immolation is voted as the third most similar artist on Ulcerate's M-A page (behind Gorguts and DSO), and I think many consider Ulcerate as one of the biggest names of atmodeath. #5 is Portal, interestingly.
afaik they were pretty much the starters of the thing that bands like Ulcerate would take further. Less chugging, less clinical death metal structure, more open and dissonant chords, more doomy passages and shit, etc.

Like, you would have Immolation and maybe Obscura-era Gorguts at the center, then Ulcerate would be one branch away from it, Portal another branch, etc. Although I'll admit that Portal has an uglier sound and more occult vibe iirc which is almost more of an Incantation thing, so maybe they're like Immolation writing with Incantation atmosphere with a lot of bullshit thrown on. I'm not trying to make a definitive claim onto the phylogeny of it all, but certainly if there was a first cohesive prototype to the sound, Immolation would be very close to it.

There's just so much wrong here that im not even going to bother. But i love the speed of your editing. How many times did you edit that post in under 5 minutes?

Do you disagree that Immolation, post-debut (which is a generic album that sounds nothing like their later output) had a higher emphasis on atmospheric, less-chuggy writing than most/all of their contemporaries?

Their debut was generic(lmao)? Shiiiiit, but Here in After sounds soooo different, amirite? And also lol at "hey they slow down and add some "atmosphere" here and there, so shit they must be "atmospheric death metal". Just shut the fuck up already, this is almost worse than that one time where you said Slayer didnt have any "obligatory classics" :lol:
Here in After is totally different from the first album. One of the biggest creative (meaning non-sellout/shit) transformations in death metal's history. Whether or not you consider "atmospheric death metal" to be a real sub-genre is something I don't care about, I put it in quotes from the beginning because it's not my phrase and I think it's a bit silly, but it's still a meaningful term.
I'm gonna scratch that off to you not being familiar with the band at all and just spewing shit out of your rancid asshole as you usually do.

Name one song from each album that you find particularly similar. I'll admit that I don't consider myself super-familiar with them, I enjoy a few of their albums but they never stick with me in my head. Perhaps there are exceptions; I don't have an autistic tracklisting for Here in After, so maybe there are a couple songs that are more traditional. I do have it noted on my Unholy Cult listing: "A Kingdom Divided - 2/5 (notably worse songwriting, repetitive riffs and boring structures, everything repeats 4 times)", I'll admit.
Death metal band that has an atmosphere of some kind =/= atmospheric death metal.

Basically every band has an atmosphere of some kind. Immolation doesn't just have an atmosphere, they use a form of death metal riffing that particularly emphasizes texture over rhythm/chop. Whether *that* qualifies for "atmospheric death metal" per se as a sub-genre vs "death metal with more atmosphere", not a sub-genre, I don't care, it's a meaningless argument.
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