GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 2002

Yeah I probably could've. I threw my half-arsed list together without much thought, and unfortunately most of Immo's stuff is too rough on the ears these days. Unholy Cult would've unquestionably been my number 2 but I'd feel insincere listing an album I likely won't ever listen to again.
3)In the Rectory of the Bizarre Reverend by Reverend Bizarre

Chosen by:

@Oblivious Maximus (#1)
@Master_Yoda77 (#1)
@Krow (#2)
@CiG (#3)
@Burkhard (#4)
@no country for old wainds (#5)
@Serjeant Grumbles (#9)
@Anom@nder Rake (#9)
@Vegard Pompey (#9)
@challenge_everything (#10)

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Wow, Nhility nowhere to be found. Surprised with that.

Tbh after their debut, Decapitated is fairly maligned in death metal communities that aren’t overly accepting of tech. I like the album and I remember hearing Spheres of Madness in high school and thinking.... FUCK! But I don’t go back to it too often.