GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 2002

This thread is off on a promising start :)
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Damn some pretty hardcore virtue signalling in here. CiG do you not listen to 80s Judas Priest either?
Would you hire a pedo to come cook for you if he was one of the best chefs around? Would you show support by telling other people to hire him and that hes an awesome chef?
I'm not following your argument.

With art, especially music there are ways of participating in the art form where you do not need to financially support the artist. Art is reproducible and can be distributed separately without need for further input from the original artist. As such it is possible to participate in the art form without need for financial support or any other support to the artist themselves.

Food on the other hand is a physical product that is prepared each time by its creator. Your analogy is not the same and is a strawman argument.

It would may be closer to your analogy of course if a person employed the artist to come perform the music live at their house. But this is obviously not happening.

Further to this: the actions/views of an individual and the art that they create are not necessarily connected. The content of art does not necessarily need to include every single action/experience/view/whatever of its creator.

This has been discussed heavily in academia over and over again and I don't feel like going into it. You are making the same types of arguments that were made against Erza Pound for instance.
Damn some pretty hardcore virtue signalling in here. CiG do you not listen to 80s Judas Priest either?

... well im not surprised that you think it's "virtue signalling" when considering that you're a prime candidate for a future child diddler.

Also ...
Just to be clear, I wouldn't stop listening to a band over this
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CiG do you not listen to 80s Judas Priest either?

Did one of the band members molest a kid or something? I already said I don't care, I was just poking fun at Inquisition fans. I listen to Manowar remember?

... well im not surprised that you think it's "virtue signalling" when considering that you're a prime candidate for a future child diddler.

His gay childhood friend raped him with a wine bottle remember? This kind of shit is nostalgia for him.
Did one of the band members molest a kid or something? I already said I don't care, I was just poking fun at Inquisition fans. I listen to Manowar remember?

His gay childhood friend raped him with a wine bottle remember? This kind of shit is nostalgia for him.

Ok so you're just kissing TechBabe's ass again and have no real opinion on this, fair enough.

You could at least get the stories straight brah.
I'm not following your argument.

With art, especially music there are ways of participating in the art form where you do not need to financially support the artist. Art is reproducible and can be distributed separately without need for further input from the original artist. As such it is possible to participate in the art form without need for financial support or any other support to the artist themselves.

Food on the other hand is a physical product that is prepared each time by its creator. Your analogy is not the same and is a strawman argument.

It would may be closer to your analogy of course if a person employed the artist to come perform the music live at their house. But this is obviously not happening.

Further to this: the actions/views of an individual and the art that they create are not necessarily connected. The content of art does not necessarily need to include every single action/experience/view/whatever of its creator.

This has been discussed heavily in academia over and over again and I don't feel like going into it. You are making the same types of arguments that were made against Erza Pound for instance.

first off, you dont sound like anyone who should be speaking about "academia". honestly, i think you proved that in the last few hours. you seem to have a problem processing even the simplest things like the word "support". Academia, lulz.

telling other people to listen to/recommending a band doesn't mean that youre also asking them to support said band? So you're telling them to not support the band, but to just steal their shit. Anyway, how in the world do you not understand that the only way to support a band isnt by buying their stuff?

Look, i wouldnt support child predator in any possible way. I'm sorry that statement makes you feel so uncomfortable that you have to keep bugging me about it. Maybe you need to take a deep look at yourself in the mirror and figure out why my stance seems to be bugging you so much.

Oh and i loved the "bububut food is a physical product made by it's creator..." part. Academia ... lmao.
Damn some pretty hardcore virtue signalling in here.
Ok so you're just kissing TechBabe's ass again and have no real opinion on this, fair enough.

You don't say. :lol:

Next time I'll write a paper on my position about the consumption of art made by compromised individuals instead of just laughing at people. That's way more entertaining to me.
Did one of the band members molest a kid or something?

Tony Iommi must be a giant virtue signalling faggot for re-recording all of dave hollands parts on the The 1996 DEP Sessions collaboration and not wanting to have anything to do with a sex offender. I'm pretty sure he still supports him though because that would be totally gay if he didnt no?
Dude were talking about a guy who fucking pleaded guilty to the distribution of child porn(and the details are truly scary btw). How in the world do you guys go off and compare that stuff to political views or some dude tossing a pillow and yelling at his chick? How fucked in the head are some of you?
Well I haven't faced a case that extreme so I can only compare it to what I know. Extreme right wing political views and similar go hand in hand with gunning down children (and distributing a video of the act) if you consider the livestreamed terror attack on mosques here in March. The most drastic thing I've done in this regard was to delete the 3 neo-Nazi albums from my mp3 collection last year. Though I kept them in my chart and kept my favourite song from one of them, so I guess if the rest of the music was that great I'd still be hanging onto it and feeling like a degenerate.
Tony Iommi must be a giant virtue signalling faggot for re-recording all of dave hollands parts on the The 1996 DEP Sessions collaboration and not wanting to have anything to do with a sex offender. I'm pretty sure he still supports him though because that would be totally gay if he didnt no?

There's a difference between collaborating with a person revealed to be a child rapist, and listening to an album containing a performance by a child rapist. If you can't enjoy Inquisition anymore I totally 100% get that, but that wasn't your original post, which was to say that you can't understand how anyone else could still enjoy their music.
There's a difference between collaborating with a person revealed to be a child rapist, and listening to an album containing a performance by a child rapist. If you can't enjoy Inquisition anymore I totally 100% get that, but that wasn't your original post, which was to say that you can't understand how anyone else could still enjoy their music.

Collaboration was in 1996, he wasnt charged until 2004. The collaboration had already happened son. He want back and erased that dude form their work. So you actually think it was jut a business move and he had no problems with what Dave Holland did? Did Judas Priest go back and re-record every album he was on with another drummer too? And again you seem to have trouble following along, where in my first post did i say or even imply that "i cant understand how anyone else can still listen to their music"? and yes what you said i didnt say in my first post is actually exactly what i did say. How are you always this confused? Next time try actually putting together what you read before sperging out.

The funniest part in all of this is how it has made a few of you so vocal about my stance. Very telling if you ask me.
Collaboration was in 1996, he wasnt charged until 2004. The collaboration had already happened son. He want back and erased that dude form their work. So you actually think it was jut a business move and he had no problems with what Dave Holland did? Did Judas Priest go back and re-record every album he was on with another drummer too? And again you seem to have trouble following along, where in my first post did i say or even imply that "i cant understand how anyone else can still listen to their music"? and yes what you said i didnt say in my first post is actually exactly what i did say. How are you always this confused? Next time try actually putting together what you read before sperging out.

The funniest part in all of this is how it has made a few of you so vocal about my stance. Very telling if you ask me.

Holland was convicted before the album was released, was he not? I never said anything about a business move. The album has Iommi's name on it, and it makes sense that he doesn't want a child rapist attached to his name.

You said:

I just dont see how someone can still support a band after finding out that kind of stuff. Honestly, it really boggles my mind that someone can actually still sit there and praise the guys work after all that shit came to light.

Followed by

continuing to rate them? what the fuck are you even talking about? I haven't reached for any of their albums since i found this stuff out, and if i do they'll be going into the trash bin, not my CD player.

Which together with all your other posts imply that you consider it "support" to merely include a band with a pedophile in a top 10 U-M album list.
Well I haven't faced a case that extreme so I can only compare it to what I know. Extreme right wing political views and similar go hand in hand with gunning down children (and distributing a video of the act) if you consider the livestreamed terror attack on mosques here in March. The most drastic thing I've done in this regard was to delete the 3 neo-Nazi albums from my mp3 collection last year. Though I kept them in my chart and kept my favourite song from one of them, so I guess if the rest of the music was that great I'd still be hanging onto it and feeling like a degenerate.


You just didn't want Jacinda marching you to the gallows for wrongthink, be honest.
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Which together with all your other posts imply that you consider it "support" to merely include a band with a pedophile in a top 10 U-M album list.
Are you having trouble admitting that you misunderstood me again or are you just trying to shift goal posts here?

Yes, to recommend a band to others via BEST OF lists or to push a bands name via word of mouth is literally supporting them you nitwit.

And you always quote me to prove absolutely nothing. You said in my first post that i said i have a problem with people listening to them, when all i did is state why i personally dont listen to them and why i wot be listing them here. How in the world does that equate to "i cant understand how anyone would listen to their music". If anything, i actually made it clear WHY i think people would listen to their music ... or do i need to point that part out for you too*? All i did is say that i would have included them here(*hint, hint), but wont be doing so because of what has come to light. This isnt some false accusation or whatever for you guys to keep making these dumb comparisons to other people. It's making me think that most of you guys dont even know anything about the case or his conviction but are trying to comfort yourselves in some weird way by pretending to be some kind of edgelords.
Holland was convicted before the album was released, was he not? I never said anything about a business move. The album has Iommi's name on it, and it makes sense that he doesn't want a child rapist attached to his name.
yes, but like i said it was recorded in '96 and he went back and erased that dude from their work. Bravo to him.

"i never said anything about a business move" ... "iommi didnt want a child rapist attached to his name" ... lolwut. Do you think that a multimillionaire artists name isnt a part of their "business'? Or do you genuinely think Iommi was disgusted with the guy and didnt want to have anything to do with him .... *aka "virtue signaling"? If so then why does my stance seem to give you trouble?