GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 2002

i don't think TB ever said inquisition's music stopped being good though, he's made this point like a dozen times now.
yea, i think i actually said in my first post that their album would have made my list and then even went on to say they used to be one of my favorite black metal bands. But its all good, im enjoying how most people here are scrambling around and trying to validate why they would listen to and support human filth like dagon. "IT'S BECAUSE WE ARE METAL" bahhahhahahahha
Yeah but Ozzy cheated on his wife, throw all your Sabbath in the trash you hypocrite pearl-clutcher. Gorgoroth write songs about a fictional religious antagonist, how far will you take it??? Right beneath engaging in IRL pedophilia is obviously stuff like writing naughty lyrics.
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yes but you dont think someone who was so addicted to child porn that he had years and years of videos in his caches isnt someone who is a potential threat to children?

Maybe, but the guy never actually attacked any children, so we can't know. As much as I despise child porn, I can't call Dagon a rapist or child abuser. That's stretching our disgust too much, witch hunting style. Some actual child molesters never showed or had any kind of evidence that lead people thinking that they might do something like that; in fact, many of the worst criminals were valued in their communities and looked like totally good/sane people.

How many lgbt supporters are among the black metal community that listen/enjoy Emperor's early material? There should be none, considering Faust's actual crime, but there are. Why? I'm not sure.

Just pointing out that Inquisition made some great music is not supporting Dagon's personal tastes btw.
Maybe, but the guy never actually attacked any children, so we can't know. As much as I despise child porn, I can't call Dagon a rapist or child abuser. That's stretching our disgust too much, witch hunting style. Some actual child molesters never showed or had any kind of evidence that lead people thinking that they might do something like that; in fact, many of the worst criminals were valued in their communities and looked like totally good/sane people.
So you dont think having thousands and thousands of videos of underage children(looked like he might have even been "distributing" them) is in no way contributing to ruining the lives of those children? And here let me give you an "in fact", child molesters, rapists etc are not valued anywhere, in any community, even amongst criminals. Do you honestly need to me explain why?

How many lgbt supporters are among the black metal community that listen/enjoy Emperor's early material? There should be none, considering Faust's actual crime, but there are. Why? I'm not sure.
i dont care why people listen to emperor. Everyone makes their own decision on what they listen to and which crimes are worse than others. Im talking about why I wouldn't listen to or support a pedohile. You have no problem with it, i do. That's pretty much it.
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How many lgbt supporters are among the black metal community that listen/enjoy Emperor's early material? There should be none, considering Faust's actual crime, but there are. Why? I'm not sure.

Same with Jon from Dissection. Another unprovoked homophobic attack on a gay man. Obviously acts of murder aren’t anywhere near as bad as being in possession of child porn though, and one can easily be looked over while the other can’t.

I’m part of the LGBTQ community and never once have I felt weird listening to Emperor or Dissection. Why? Because none of this is expressed in their music and I don’t feel by listening to them or talking about them I am supporting the views of the members. I’ve always been one to separate the art from those that made it. But I agree with Tech in that it’s up to the listener where they draw the line.

Oh well, Faust and Jon both probably became someone’s bitch in prison and had their arseholes loosened.
"me being a fan of the band is not supporting them". oh okay.

Again you are clueless and your comparisons just showcase that your probably dont communicate with too many people in real life. You can have a perfectly acceptable reason for taking someones life, for example have you not heard of justifiable homicide? When exactly is it okay or acceptable to be a lowlife pedophile? And again, i think we both know why this hits home with you .... and i hope it doesn't hit harder than you did.

EDIT: btw Im not saying what Jon did was okay, but it doesn't bother me enough to stop listening to him. Is that okay with you guys?
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Because none of this is expressed in their music and I don’t feel by listening to them or talking about them I am supporting the views of the members. I’ve always been one to separate the art from those that made it.

Once again, my point exactly. Inquisition falls into the exact same description.

It's a matter of personal views, of course.
I like this idea that, just because he horded child porn like he's a nonce Smaug or something, that doesn't mean he harmed any kids IRL. Because we all know that the pornography you watch has no connection to the kind of sex you seek IRL.
1) Killswitch Engage - Alive or Just Breathing
2) Black Label Society - 1919 Eternal
3) Amon Amarth - Versus the World
4) Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness
5) Beheaded - Recounts of Disembodiment
6) Disgorge - Consume the Forsaken
7) Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines
8) Malevolent Creation - The Will to Kill
9) Dio - Killing the Dragon
10) Satyricon - Volcano

Honorable Mentions:

In Flames - Reroute to Remain
Opeth - Deliverance
Internecine - The Book of Lambs
Soilwork - Natural Born Chaos
Yattering - Genocide

Nostalgia won out and that's why KsE is #1. That bridged the gap between being a casual to die hard listener of the genre. Volcano was one of the first extreme metal albums I ever purchased. Anything in that Top 10 could change spots on any other given day though. 5-7 are absolutely crushing death metal releases. Fantastic year.
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Killing the Dragon is pretty underrated, I like it. Versus the World is cool, nothing amazing but certainly not dogshit. Haven't heard that Dream Evil album, nor the Satyricon, Immortal, Killswitch Engage or BLS albums.
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Opeth - Deliverence
Meshuggah - Nothing
Agalloch - The Mantle
Place of Skulls - Nailed
Bathory - Nordland I
Bloodbath - Ressurection Through Carnage
Yakuza - Way of the Dead
Rotting Christ - Genesis
Arcturus - Sham Mirrors
Atrox - Terrestrials
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Killing the Dragon is pretty underrated, I like it. Versus the World is cool, nothing amazing but certainly not dogshit. Haven't heard that Dream Evil album, nor the Satyricon, Immortal, Killswitch Engage or BLS albums.

Kinda surprised you haven't heard the Satyricon or Immortal ones
Kinda surprised you haven't heard the Satyricon or Immortal ones

The Satyricon album cover looks super familiar to me, and I used to be a huge fan of the band so maybe I have heard it, but I don't have it rated. Regarding Immortal, I'm just lazy where black metal is concerned.