GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 2005

I had seen one of CKY's cover arts posted somewhere a bunch of times (probably not this forum) but never listened to them. I always assumed they were some kind of Disturbed/Fozzy-esque butt metal and never bothered. The stuff I'm hearing is pretty good tbh, I don't know if it's just the weird guitar tone throwing me off but the riffs seem a bit different from the usual, still not metal but I can get the appeal.
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Making a list of albums I need to check out for this year and jesus fucking christ so much techdeath

This !T.O.O.H.! album is amazing though
1. M - G
2. A - A
3. N - T
4. I - E
5. LL - S
6. A - of
7. R - F
8. O - I
9. A - R
10. D - E
11. !T.O.O.H.! - Order and Punishment

Sorry, just couldn't make space for it.
I don't know what any of that shit means but I can guarantee you none of them feature the closing riff of Kálí.

EDIT: Unless #8 is Othyrworld. Which you still need to put considerably higher.

Not that the Othyrworld features that exact riff, of course. But it has moments of equivalent transcendental value as Kálí.
1) Bolt Thrower - Those Once Loyal
2) Bruce Dickinson - Tyranny of Souls
3) Naildown - World Domination
4) Nile - Annihilation of the Wicked
5) Opeth - Ghost Reveries
6) Gojira - From Mars to Sirius
7) Trivium - Ascendancy
8) Judas Priest - Angel of Retribution
9) DevilDriver - The Fury of Our Maker's Hand
10) August Burns Red - Thrill Seeker

List completed. This was probably the hardest list to do so far tbh. All really good albums and would probably be ordered differently if done a year from now
I actually had a dream that I was doing a family roadtrip and we stopped at some random truck stop for food and discovered there was a bowling alley which had been converted into a stage area where there was a metal festival, with Manilla Road and Cirith Ungol the top two bands on the bill. I'm pretty sure they played something from Gates of Fire but I don't remember what. I got bored in the middle of it and left with my dad to get a gas station chili dog and when I came back it was Cirith Ungol and they were playing all new stuff, but the only song I remember hearing was actually Iron Maiden's Out of the Silent Planet, only it was a really bizarre version that kept changing key or something with Tim Baker still singing, and then all these strobe lights came on and I felt dizzy. I left again to buy a t-shirt from them but at their stand were a bunch of NoMeansNo t-shirts, and I got one that had Piet Mondrian's Tableau I on the front with the cow-person from the cover of Wrong in the middle of it, only the cow was in neon-green. When I put it on the Duckman theme started to play and then I woke up.