GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 2006

You guys did a good job for this year. I mean...I haven't heard any of the albums you listed, except for Pagan Altar, but I trust ya'll. Well done.
In what world are dwellerINTHEdark or Serjeant Grumbles in-crowd?

Didn't say they were. Wainds said the band is 100% out-crowd, but zero out-crowders voted for them and one of these 2018/2019 new accounts who seem (((totally not like an alt account at all))) did.

So out-crowd. That's why Dak and Tech and Ozzman had Nigerian Bonobo in their lists. :lol:
There's more than one out-crowd. dwellerINTHEdark is an untr00 black metal guy who mostly just posts in the 'Kicking your ass/NP' threads all day. Serjeant has similar tastes from what I remember (but a different posting style, one which still has nothing to do with the in-crowd). Next you're going to say that one gun control symphoblack guy is in-crowd.
It's a one-circle Venn diagram. If you're not in, you're out.

Ultimate somethingorother, the guy no one likes.
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Not sure if this is sarcasm, but those look like out-crowders to me (aside from Mort).


In what world are dwellerINTHEdark or Serjeant Grumbles in-crowd?

lmao what a moron. I like how you tried steering out of that one in your second post :lol:

There are only two(maybe three) users there who arent in-crowd or one of their alts and you named them. Was that before or after you went back to that list of names and realized(or remembered) how slow in the head you actually are?
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Does in crowd mean people that like black metal now? I see only 4/8 of those votes from in crowders. Challenge everything and Alex are just old posters that favor some black metal.

Nigga Bungee are kinda shit though. My bad for not ranking Monotheist a spot higher so it would have bumped them down to 3.
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Agreed, that's why all those out-crowders voted for it.

i mean, it’s actually an exact 50/50 split like others said so i guess they’re in between lol. they’re a way more popular band in more mainstream circles than here though (i.e. the metal archives board jacks it over them iirc), always high on rym charts etc. in-crowd types usually shun them afaik, obviously there are some exceptions

RYM Rating 3.75 / 5.0 from 3,048 ratings
Friends 3.49 from 92 ratings

this is usually a good sign theyre out-crowd, i would never defile my rym friends list with filthy out crowders
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