GMD travel buddy program...?

zabu of nΩd

Free Insultation
Feb 9, 2007
This is going to sound slightly off the wall, but whatever.

The reason I'm making this thread is that I plan to do some traveling this Spring/Summer, but I want to (A) not spend a shitload of money, and (B) be able to hang out with people I like. So, what I'm trying to find out is whether any GMDers who live somewhere I would be interested in traveling are willing to share living space with me for probably 2-3 weeks (i.e. possibly the weeks following MDF, but I need to make sure I can get time off first). I could pay maybe 10-15 USD per day for housing (negotiable) depending on the accommodations.

I mostly want to visit Europe or California, but if you live somewhere else and want to have me over I will certainly consider other places (except for New England, as it's not quite 'exotic' enough for this trip and I've already met a lot of you folks; Midwestern U.S. is probably off the list too).

Also, I don't expect to be 'babysat' for the whole time I'm there, but I would want you to be comfortable showing me around your area for at least a couple of days and introducing me to some of your pals. I'm pretty introverted, but I'm not shy about meeting new people and I think I hold a conversation pretty well.

There's a whole lot of other details to cover of course, but I'll wait to see if anyone actually takes me up on this. And, uh, if anyone else has use for this thread for their own traveling desires then feel free to post here. I tried to give it a suitably generic title.
If you visit Southern California let me know, as I'll be staying there with my Mom, step dad, brother and girlfriend. Not really any room for you to stay, but we could go to Amoeba Records and so on.
Yeah, if I actually get some plans hacked out I'll be sure to let people know in case any locals want to get together somewhere and chill while I'm over.
I am visting Flordia this month.Any great stores to buy,and places to visit?I would love to go to Europe and Calfornia someday.Show us some pic when you are down there vihris-gari.
Sounds like a fun thing to do. I'm going to be in and out of the country during the summer so I probably won't be any help and I don't have any living space to share anyway. But good luck hope you find some people to do this with.
Somehow I doubt Onder wants anything to do with me, but it would be pretty interesting to meet him.
You could come out to the desert in AZ but there isn't really anything music related in my area. You can float the Colorado river or check out abandoned mines and stuff like that, but that is about it in SW AZ.
If I ended up in Southern Cali I might try to swing by Vegas and the Grand Canyon for the last leg of my trip, but yeah the Yuma area doesn't seem particularly worthwhile (nothing personal, lol).
Ironically there is a shitload more to do in Yuma than Vegas. Now that place is a shit stain.

Unfortunately I still need to go see the Grand Canyon. It's weird how you can be so close to a major tourist attraction for so long but still "so far" and never get around to going to see it.
Yeah, when I mentioned that idea it was mainly the Grand Canyon I had in mind - Vegas just happens to be a convenient midpoint from the LA/SD area that might be worth a few hours' glance. But hey, if I get no other bites here then maybe I'll take you up after all, haha.
If you go to So Cal, I expect to see you at one of the myriads of concerts here!!