GNMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 1970

1. Atomic Rooster - Death Walks Behind You
2. Black Widow - Sacrifice
3. Lucifer’s Friend - s/t
4. Uriah Heep - ... Very ‘eavy, Very ‘umble
5. Led Zeppelin - III
6. Warhorse - s/t
7. Black Cat Bones - Barbed Wire Sandwich
8. King Crimson - Lizard
9. Van Morrison - Moondance
10. Genesis - Trespass

Anything considered metal should just be removed and others moved up.

1 - Miles Davis - Bitches Brew
2 - Colosseum - The Grass Is Greener
3 - The Stooges - Fun House
4 - King Crimson - Lizard
5 - Canned Heat -Vintage
6 - The Incredible String Band - U
7 - Jimi Hendrix - Band Of Gypsies
8 - John McLaughlin - Extrapolation
9 - The Mothers Of Invention - Weasels Ripped My Flesh
10 - Tony Williams Lifetime - Turn It Over - the heaviest thing on this list - listen to this masterpiece
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Reactions: jimmy101 and CiG
We could run the GNMD concurrently, while keeping it open for several months. Isn't that sort of how the metal poll is done?
Not usually on purpose lmao. The 2018 game was the first time it's ever been held up like that, but I think holding a 2018 GNMD game open concurrently is a good compromise.
2018 would be fun to do. Maybe not so much fun to tally as I doubt there'd be much overlap between lists.

If a few users list my debut full length out of pity it might have a chance. Hard to say whether I could list it myself. I mean, I hold it in some sort of out-of-this-galaxy regard, barely comparable to anything else. ;)
#10 Wishbone Ash - Wishbone Ash
(17 Points)

Hard Rock, Progressive Rock, Blues Rock

Psychedelic Rock

Those who voted:
@Slammed #2
@challenge_everything #3

#10 Stray - Stray
(17 Points)

Heavy Psych, Hard Rock

Blues Rock, Heavy Metal

Those who voted:
@Caecius #6
@Somethingface #8
@Serjeant Grumbles #2

(I opted not to use the number of voters to break to tie when it would bump one album off the list entirely. If I ever run into a four-way tie for 10th place, however...)
#9 Amon Düül II - Yeti
(19 Points)

Krautrock, Psychedelic Rock

Heavy Psych, Jam Band, Experimental Rock

been rocking out to "yeti" by amon duul II recently
:kickass: Krautrock ftw!
i like amon duul II quite a lot, probably 'cause they have more in common with heavy psych stuff.
Honestly, the heaviest prog I've ever heard (and I'm not talking about down-tuned extreme snowboarding riff prog) is from the 70's. Amon Duul II, Magma and even some early Genesis (parts of "The Knife" sound like For Whom the Bell Tolls, but even more low-end heavy!).

Those who voted:
@challenge_everything #2
@Caecius #10
@Somethingface #3
@Serjeant Grumbles #10

#8 Nico - Desertshore
(22 Points)

Avant-Folk, Chamber Folk

Chamber Music, Neo-Medieval Folk

Nico is my favorite female folk singer by far.
Energetic: As far as metal goes, energy is absolutely central to my enjoyment. This doesn't necessarily refer to music being fast or aggressive, but the emotion put into its creation has to not only be evident, but overwhelming.
Non-Metal examples include: Kingston Wall, Nick Cave and Nico
Metal examples include: Primordial, Nazxul and early Pestilence

Those who voted:
@Oblivious Maximus #10
@challenge_everything #6
@Somethingface #5
@Serjeant Grumbles #1

#6 The Doors - Morrison Hotel
(23 Points)

Psychedelic Rock, Blues Rock

I think the first cd I bought was the Doors - Morrison Hotel in about 1991 or so. So, not exactly a "metal moment"...
I have to go with "Morrison Hotel" it's a strong return to their "blues roots." "Soft Parade" contains a couple good songs, but the Vegas-lounge style song "Touch Me" was the Doors trying to incorporate something new and different to their sound. Just failed miserably imo. The Doors, at their foundation were a blues-based band.

Those who voted:
@jimmy101 #7
@zabu of nΩd #10
@Caecius #3
@Bloopy #1
Last edited:
#5 King Crimson - Lizard
(45 Points)

Progressive Rock, Symphonic Prog


I'm not a big King Crimson fan so much as I'm a big "In the Court of the Crimson King" and "Red" fan.
I'm in this basket too. Although I also put Lizard nearly on par with those two albums as well. Specifically Steven Wilson's remastered version because it fixed many of the sound quality issues of the original.
I love when prog and jazz were fused by bands like King Crimson (i.e. Lizard), Van Der Graaf Generator (i.e. Pawn Hearts) and Mahavishnu Orchestra

Those who voted:
@jimmy101 #3
@Terasophe #1
@challenge_everything #1
@crimsonfloyd #4
@Krow #8
@Sirjack #4
#4 Creedence Clearwater Revival - Cosmo's Factory
(47 Points)

Swamp Rock

Country Rock, Blues Rock

Wtf is CCR
I dont what you call them but Creedence Clearwater Revival was the
first rock band I listened too. They have a kind of bluesy sound.
So many good songs from that band. You could pick any album up to Cosmo's Factory and could glean at least 5 killer songs from each record.
So many good songs from that band. You could pick any album up to Cosmo's Factory and could glean at least 5 killer songs from each record.

Those who voted:
@Slammed #4
@jimmy101 #9
@CiG #3
@Terasophe #4
@zabu of nΩd #3
@challenge_everything #5
@Caecius #1
#3 Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin III
(48.5 Points)

Hard Rock, Folk Rock

Blues Rock

Perfectly stated. I couldn't agree more.
And that's why, to my ears, Led Zep III is so much heavier than most death or thrash metal, for example. Too many bands lose sense of dynamics (or never ever grasp it at all). The ability to contrast 'light' with 'shade' or bombast with moments of serenity is what ultimately makes heaviness, IMO.
Hence, Led Zep III makes say, Deicide, look like children's music.
Tons of distortion, blast beats and screams to do not equate to heavy music unless they possess that "it", the sense of dynamics which makes good music good.

Those who voted:
@Slammed #5
@jimmy101 #6
@Einherjar86 N/A
@Terasophe #2
@zabu of nΩd #2
@challenge_everything #7
@Bloopy #10
@crimsonfloyd #8
@Krow #5