GNMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 1970

#1 Miles Davis - Bitches Brew
(56 Points)

Jazz Fusion, Avant-Garde Jazz


Bitches Brew is the best FUsion album.
and how can you put down 'Bitches Brew'!!??!?!? it's a classic! I prefer 'A Kind of Blue' but still.....
Miles Davis "Bitches brew" (double). I bought it for 150 Kroner (approx. $20), heard it once, said "yeah, that's probably alright" and put it on the shelf for a year. I then started a massive clean-out in my record collection and heard it again. 100% crap I tell you!!!!! Some people consider it a classic, which is fine by me, as long as I don't have to listen to it, as it's one of worst records I've had in my collection. I didn't even have the Jacues Coursil in my collection, I immediatly put it in my "sell" pile after I listened to it. At least I could sell the Miles Davis record for the same amount as I paid for it!
Bitches Brew makes me cry.srsly
I like experimental music. That's probably why I like 'Bitches Brew' era Miles. I can understand why you don't like it if you like melodies and stuff in your music. I went through a 1 1/2 year phase of only listening to jazz. 'Bitches Brew' just happens to be one of my all time favorite jazz albums.

Those who voted:
@jimmy101 #2
@Oblivious Maximus #1
@Terasophe #5
@challenge_everything #8
@Somethingface #1
@crimsonfloyd #3
@Sirjack #1
Glad to see Miles snag the #1 spot. Great game, thanks for running Sarge.