GNMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 1978

#1 Devo - Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!


Those who voted:

@Terasophe (#1)
@HamburgerBoy (#2)
@Talos of Atmora (#4)

Couldn't really find any quotes on this album, but I'd like to just say that even though I didn't put this as my own #1 album and even though very few people participated in this game, it makes my heart glow like a radioactive potato that D E V O won the first game in my non-metal series.

I have faith that the spud legion would have turned out to help them win even if we had more people playing. Even David Bowie was in awe of their genius.

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#7 Jethro Tull - Heavy Horses

View attachment 13778

Those who voted:

@Sirjack (#2)
@Talos of Atmora (#7)
@Omni (#10)

So while I was searching for quotes regarding Heavy Horses it quickly turned into a Ein-themed adventure. If this isn't evidence that he should join this new non-metal game I don't know what would be.

View attachment 13779

:rofl: Oh man, this is kind of embarrassing.

Not sure I'd still say that Heavy Horses is my favorite album of all time, but it's a fucking killer record (definitely top five, I'd venture). Shit, I haven't listened to Tull in a long time; gonna get that going this morning.

"Come with me to the winged isle
Northern Father's western child!"
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