GNMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 1992

True. A bit of an oversight on my part, but then again, if you're truly certain that an album you'd like to list is not metal, you shouldn't have to ask permission to include it. However, I am willing to update your numbers in the spreadsheet and redo the top ten. I am of the opinion that Dirt is a metal album, so I admit a bias on my part. All the same, I don't feel as if hosting this poll should make me the sole arbiter of what is or isn't metal. However, if I find that someone included an album as a non-joke entry in the corresponding metal poll, then I will consider it disingenuous on their part to include it on a non-metal poll. Therefore, I wouldn't count it from that particular individual. But I don't think anyone would try to pull that shit.
For the record I also think Dirt is arguably metal, but it seems odd if we are only counting votes from those who subjectively regard it as non-metal. One in, all in.

If someone regards it as a metal album, it would be dishonest to include it here. The rule of thumb should always be whether you would vote for it in the metal poll. All I'm saying is, don't try to have it both ways and vote for it in both polls.
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100s of bands straddle the line and it's a bit beyond the scope of these polls to round them all up. The metal polls started first and people have been using hard rock bands in them a bit. Some of us are saving our lists or posting them elsewhere so when we're in the nursing home pining for the music of 1992 and shitting our pants we can look back on our lists, and we wouldn't want to find an album we thought was metal on our non-metal list or vice versa because that just might be the last straw after all these fucking insipid mashed potatoes.
That doesn't mean it's moot.

It's moot to me because I can't be fucked getting into an argument about whether it's metal or non-metal. Genre debates are arid. So I don't really care whether my vote is included or not.

Having said that, it seems silly that all of a sudden this is being determined subjectively. If I think KISS is metal, it doesn't make it so. RYM obviously determines genre based on a kind of objective consensus and GMD has tended to informally operate in the same way.
Determining it subjectively is the easy way to avoid the excessive genre debates. If someone puts KISS or something on their metal list we can just laugh and move on (example :tickled:), no harm done except to themselves. The genre voting herd on RYM sometimes gets it way more wrong than anyone posting here.
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#7 Dr. Dre - The Chronic
G-Funk, West Coast Hip Hop, Gangsta Rap

Don't forget about Dre.
newer rap is the shit!
old rap is so boring, other than biggie, dre, snoop, and pac of course.
Dre may not be the best rapper but he knowns how to put some great funky beats to the music. I still think Ice Cube is the best NWA member.
the only "rap" I have cared for has been Eminem, Brotha Lynch Hung, Xraided, Dr. Dre...etc

Those who voted:
@Sirjack #6
@TechnicalBarbarity #1
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