god doesnt exist in the form that the old religions propagate

bleed_black_orchid said:
aww bambi..thats very insightfull and interesting better than err.. "religion sucks"
well, i think we are just to small to state whether god is or not. obviously it's unlikely that he is like the one in bible, but still we're just too small.

btw, anyone read The Da Vinci Code (by Dan Brown)?
Sopel said:
well, i think we are just to small to state whether god is or not. obviously it's unlikely that he is like the one in bible, but still we're just too small.
why are whe small? and for what are we too small?

my statement about believing and religion is: keep it for yourself and don't bother any others with it

religions are a way of dealing with phenomena a simple human mind can't grasp because it's not intelligent enough. religions crumbled to dust because people got educated, more intelligent, etc, and it's certain that we'll evolve further down that road, leaving our current religions behind and assuming new ones. but the truth never lies in them.
Malaclypse said:
religions are a way of dealing with phenomena a simple human mind can't grasp because it's not intelligent enough. religions crumbled to dust because people got educated, more intelligent, etc, and it's certain that we'll evolve further down that road, leaving our current religions behind and assuming new ones. but the truth never lies in them.
the truth never lies in them ...in a metaphoric way?
Sopel said:
well, i think we are just to small to state whether god is or not. obviously it's unlikely that he is like the one in bible, but still we're just too small.

btw, anyone read The Da Vinci Code (by Dan Brown)?
ive read some reviews of it by historians that stated it was all rubbish. Considering the author was one of the guys behind the holy blood and the holy grail i wouldnt touch it with a shitty shtick
Sopel said:
btw, anyone read The Da Vinci Code (by Dan Brown)?

Magnificent book! great theory Brown came up with. Really makes you think.

His research was outstanding by the way. Although a friend of mine (half peruvian half dutch) was really pissed when she read about the Opus Dei... half her family (the peruvian half) is connected to it. Its actually quite normal in South America to be connected to opus dei.. but thats another story.

anyway.. Cant wait to read it again
Bambi said:
ive read some reviews of it by historians that stated it was all rubbish. Considering the author was one of the guys behind the holy blood and the holy grail i wouldnt touch it with a shitty shtick

its a novel. Fiction. With good research but still fiction.
if i did research for a novel and decided that hitler was actually a space monkey from patagonia would that be good research? its only fiction after all.
point is that he wrote a fictional book but put elements of reality (or what reality is for alot of people) in it. Thats the thing that makes you think about it a long time after you finished it. thats all actually. you really should read it :)