god doesnt exist in the form that the old religions propagate

Palmer Eldritch said:
That's an interesting theory. Are there any explanations why exactly religious societies were "fitter"? Anyway, that sheds new light on the downfall of communism: the secular socialist states were naturally inferior to the God-fearing US of A.
Commies can't scare people with an idea of hell after life so they have to create a hell on Earth. That's the only way the masses can be kept on control. Religions are bullshit yet very useful.
Mtine said:
point is that he wrote a fictional book but put elements of reality (or what reality is for alot of people) in it. Thats the thing that makes you think about it a long time after you finished it. thats all actually. you really should read it :)

i wonder what is fiction and what is reality there...
marginalé said:
why are whe small? and for what are we too small?

we are too small to comprehend what's really going here in this universe,

(we're even too small to imagine infininity and comprehend there could be no start of everything, it may have been always)
breaklose said:
youre not supposed to get a whole hierarchy in islam either, as in priests, bishops etc, supposedly, but most muslims forgot that bit. and the bbc wont tell you about that either.
thats such an important, mehdi...spot on.

islam has no priests, bishops, fathers, sisters...it is clearly stated in the Quran (over and over for emphasis) that there must be no one between the believer and Allah. all one needs to do is pray.

for instance, in islam, there is no religious representitive, like a father, to forgive someone's sins.
Har* said:
Commies can't scare people with an idea of hell after life so they have to create a hell on Earth. That's the only way the masses can be kept on control. Religions are bullshit yet very useful.

That's not a very good strategy, is it? Creating hell on earth and telling people that, really, this is as good as it gets. They should have stuck with Marxist theory and reminded people more often that the Sovjet socialist states are just a necessary step on the ladder to the eternal bliss of Communism (with a capital C :)) in the far future where all their hard work and starving in concentration camps would finally pay off. There are a lot of quasi-religious images to be found in Marxism.

Happily, state capitalism is now nearly extinct (your time will come, Fidel!), let's move on and make the other kind an endangered species. :grin:
Sopel said:
i do doubt that time will tell us anything. it's not certain thing anyway, that's my point.

Well I respect your point of view. but saying that time won't tell us something, is denying what it has already told us. Thousands of years ago, people thought that the sun orbits around the earth, and the earth is flat. Such silly stuff, well time told us the truth about these things, and I do think it is a matter of time before we know alot more about our existence. Well that's at least how I see it.
Don Corleone said:
thats such an important, mehdi...spot on.

islam has no priests, bishops, fathers, sisters...it is clearly stated in the Quran (over and over for emphasis) that there must be no one between the believer and Allah. all one needs to do is pray.

for instance, in islam, there is no religious representitive, like a father, to forgive someone's sins.

muslims can only blame themselves for whats happening to them nowadays, and for the bad image that got spread around. a bit like commies, or inhabitants of widnes.
Don Corleone said:
thats such an important, mehdi...spot on.

islam has no priests, bishops, fathers, sisters...it is clearly stated in the Quran (over and over for emphasis) that there must be no one between the believer and Allah. all one needs to do is pray.

for instance, in islam, there is no religious representitive, like a father, to forgive someone's sins.

Now, I know next to nothing about Islam, but to me it seems to be the same conglomerate of a few influential old men like in Judaism and Christianity. You know, the guys with the beards that demonstrators like to have on big pictures.
Does the fact that they can't forgive someone's sins make them less threatening figures? The Iranian conservatives for instance don't seem to think that religion is something between you and your God.
Palmer Eldritch said:
Now, I know next to nothing about Islam, but to me it seems to be the same conglomerate of a few influential old men like in Judaism and Christianity. You know, the guys with the beards that demonstrators like to have on big pictures.
Does the fact that they can't forgive someone's sins make them less threatening figures? The Iranian conservatives for instance don't seem to think that religion is something between you and your God.

thats as far from islam as the inquisition was from christianism. the sad thing is that most westerners dont realize that and think that its normal for a muslim to beat his wife and chop robbers hands off :erk:
Palmer Eldritch said:
Now, I know next to nothing about Islam, but to me it seems to be the same conglomerate of a few influential old men like in Judaism and Christianity. You know, the guys with the beards that demonstrators like to have on big pictures.
Does the fact that they can't forgive someone's sins make them less threatening figures? The Iranian conservatives for instance don't seem to think that religion is something between you and your God.
aha thats the common misconception about islam. those guys with huge beards that demonstrators carry their pictures of: they are just leaders who have money and power and would like to keep it that way by abusing islam and distorting it.

im a muslim and i dont carry anyone's pictures at protests or care for any religious leader at all. i know i wont pay my dues to anyone but Allah, so anyone else can fuck off.

now, i know this cuz i received proper education to do such a reasoning. everyone is not as lucky as i am. thats the problem.
LostRose said:
Nature can at the very most be a work of art; it cannot be the Artist. It is an embroidery, and cannot be the Embroiderer. It is a set of decrees; it cannot be the Issuer of the decrees. It is a body of the laws of creation, and cannot be the lawgiver. It is but a created screen to the dignity of God, and cannot be the Creator. It is passive and created, and cannot be a Creative Maker. It is the recipient, and cannot be the source.
sorry but you dont know enough to say this. you do not know if there is a creator or not. there might be. but the creation itself could be the creator.

the universe after the big bang could expand... and then contract into a big crunch, and after that, a big bang again, and then a big crunch, and so on and so on...from before time and after...like breathing, like seasons, everything else cycles, so why not everything itself?

anyone who thinks they have THE answer is mistaken. the nature of eternity is a bit difficult to grasp.. i have met no one who got the secret yet.... and definately no one who thinks the bible or the koran is the key... don't make me laugh.l

LostRose said:
O you obstinate denier! Your egotism has made you so stupid that somehow you decide to accept a hundred impossibilities all at once. For you yourself are a being and not some simple substance that is inanimate and unchanging. You are like an extremely well-ordered machine that is constantly being renewed and a wonderful palace that is undergoing continuous change. Particles are working unceasingly in your body. Your body has a connection and mutual relations with the universe, in particular with regard to sustenance and the perpetuation of the species, and the particles that work within it are careful not to spoil that relationship nor to break the connection. In this cautious manner they set about their work, as though taking the whole universe into account. Seeing your relationships within it, they take up their positions accordingly. And you benefit with your external and inner senses in accordance with the wonderful positions that they take.

If you do not accept that the particles in your body are tiny officials in motion in accordance with the law of the Pre-Eternal and All-Powerful One, or that they are an army, or the nibs of the pen of Divine Determining, with each particle as the nib of a pen, or that they are points inscribed by the pen of Power with each particle being a point, then in every particle working in your eye there would have to be an eye such as could see every limb and part of your body as well as the entire universe, with which you are connected. In addition to this, you would have to ascribe to each particle an intelligence equivalent to that of a hundred geniuses, sufficient to know and recognize all your past and your future, and your forbears and descendents, the origins of all the elements of your being, and the sources of all your sustenance.

To attribute the knowledge and consciousness of a thousand Plato’s to a single particle of one such as you who does not possess even a particle’s worth of intelligence in matters of this kind is a crazy superstition a thousand times over!
calm down you!!!!
read the art of happiness by the dalai lama.
and shut up for a bit