god doesnt exist in the form that the old religions propagate

LostRose said:
creation itself couldn't be the the creator.
For example:

If the art and creativity, which are discerning and wise, to be seen in beings and particularly in animate beings are not attributed to the pen of Divine Determining and Power of the Pre-Eternal Sun, and instead are attributed to Nature and force, which are blind, deaf and unthinking, it becomes necessary that Nature either should have present in everything machines and printing-presses for their creation, or should include in everything power and wisdom enough to create and administer the universe. The reason for this is as follows:

The sun’s manifestations and reflections appear in all small fragments of glass and droplets on the face of the earth. If those miniature, reflected imaginary suns are not ascribed to the sun in the sky, it is necessary to accept the external existence of an actual sun in every tiny fragment of glass smaller than a match-head, which possesses the sun’s qualities and which, though small in size, bears profound meaning; and therefore to accept actual suns to the number of pieces of glass.

In exactly the same way, if beings and animate creatures are not attributed directly to the manifestation of the Pre-Eternal Sun’s Names, it becomes necessary to accept that in each being, and especially animate beings, there lies a nature, a force, or quite simply a god that will sustain an infinite power and will, and knowledge and wisdom. Such an idea is the most absurd and superstitious of all the impossibilities in the universe.
i never want to talk to you ever again:dopey:
breaklose said:
well none asked YOU to pray 5 times a day, and if it makes some people happy then whats the problem?
to quote Roy Harper
[font=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]My real beef with islam is that once the religious fanatics had a real hold on the lives of the people, sometime after the eleventh century, all learning ground to a halt, and the only teachings available were almost all religious. So after some really solid scholarship, there followed the best part of a millennium of total darkness. A form of ignorance akin to the dogmatic foundations of the christian and hebrew faiths. Hence my metaphor 'The Black Cloud Of Islam'. No one should be surprised. I thought that my wording was apt, and after all, my criticism of christianity goes much further than just the one song. [/font]​


I regard religion itself as a plague. At best a collection of barriers to objectivity. Although in it's milder forms it is benign, much of it is mental disease personified. I started to think like this when I was six years old. By the time I was 15 years old most of my ideas were fully formed. I can admire a way of life such as bhuddism offers, and I can have great respect for anyone with dignity and pacific bearing, but I cannot support the sheer lunacy of religious empire. Under any circumstances. The grand gnashing of the billion teeth of the dogs of faction and hate. Ritualised. Divide and rule.
Obviously I can see that any group of founding fathers and mothers would tend to want to socialise their belief systems, if only so that they could all do it together, go through the ritual of being tied to earth forces in congregation; to help to bind the social being. Be good mannered and not stand on eachother's toes. To partly know what eachother were thinking about. To formalise a structure of rituals. A society. To converse. To give thanks to the earth. In the hope of bringing rain onto the earth. In the hope of calming storms. It is easy to see how superstition grows from such simple beginnings. It is very easy to see how superstition can eventually overrule rationale in the circumstances; given the nature of the the brain, the mind and the many multivarious stimuli. And hard times.

[font=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]But haven't we grown up now? Are we not so big on the planet at this stage to be able to encourage each other to develop a different social honesty? A real social cohesion. Would it not be a deal better to teach the children about life and death rather than pure fantasy as truth? I can see what this would mean for areas of the establishment which relies on people thinking that they need the prop of 'a better place' type of pie in the sky. But unless we own up to reality pretty damn soon we are doomed to suffer for a long time from absolutely unnecessary ideological warfare. [/font]​
blackeyed said:
thats because you chat bollocks most of the time ado, if you start disecting bollocks you tend to just make a big mess :grin:

im very hurt by that, no fucking cds for you then bitch :p
Morpheus said:
I agree with most things Danny said and some other points mentioned in this thread but that just shows that we're having similar points of view, it doesn't show that it's the truth.

thats cos you suck balls :D
blackeyed said:
my hero.

that was a joke, do i have to write that its a joke every time i say something ffs what wrong with you guys :lol:

calm down calm down, dont get your knickers stuck in your hole, i was only joking too like :lol:
i believe in nature's positive and negative forces, not god or devil. i think they were invented by weak people who really need something to believe in, someone to blame for the bad things and someone to glorify for the good things. i don't believe in miracles, i'm sure there's always a scientific explanation for everything.
i can't talk much about religions cos i haven't read the bible nor the coran, but i want to! i think it's disgusting the number of innocent people that die because of the religious conflicts. everyboby should be free to worship (or not) whoever they want!
some religions stand for a painful life so that we can achieve happiness and peace after death. that's complete bullshit to me. i'm not worried about what's going to happen after i die. i'm worried about what happens while i'm alive. CARPE DIEM rules!