god doesnt exist in the form that the old religions propagate

ah fuck off all of ya this thread is a load of bolloxism who gives a shit anyway im with don on this one, im sick of talking about the same shite, i have this convo every time i tell somebody i studied religion at A level....
blackeyed said:
ah fuck off all of ya this thread is a load of bolloxism who gives a shit anyway im with don on this one, im sick of talking about the same shite, i have this convo every time i tell somebody i studied religion at A level....
so you will know that only proper God is real then eh?
well if he is the 'proper' god hes bound to be real isnt he...

im gona get me nan on hear and you can have a discussion with her danny, id like to see you try - oyu cant beat these old scouse roman catholics of irish line - pius as fuck at every wedding christening and funeral and bigotted as fuck the rest of the time.
aye. its daft. i wish there was a harper pill that you could give everyone so they could develop some harperness and drop the shite hehe
ah it fucked up i cant be arsed changing it

well id love to stay and chat about the finer points of bollox with you kids but im off to see dillinger avec mon ace fella

catch you lot later :wave:
LostRose said:
creation itself couldn't be the the creator.
For example:

If the art and creativity, which are discerning and wise, to be seen in beings and particularly in animate beings are not attributed to the pen of Divine Determining and Power of the Pre-Eternal Sun, and instead are attributed to Nature and force, which are blind, deaf and unthinking, it becomes necessary that Nature either should have present in everything machines and printing-presses for their creation, or should include in everything power and wisdom enough to create and administer the universe. [...] etc.

Aaaaah. Oooooh. Beautiful. I don't understand a word of it, but it's poetic. Really. I feel compelled to bring up the pen of Divine Determining and the Power of the Pre-Eternal Sun in as many conversations as possible. :)
The Emerald Hills of the Heart aim is to live a life at the spiritual level by purifying man’s heart and employing his senses and faculties in the way of the Master of the Universe. You will develop the angel-like dimension of his existence and acquires a strong, heart-felt and experienced conviction of the truths and articles of faith that at first he had accepted only superficially.
RottenAngel said:
@ Achernar: i ate those in castelo de s. jorge at the beer's feast. it was great! quite tasty. there is a place with good snails, near my old house! :grin:
@rottenangel - You deffo gotta try out the following spots:

All the spots in Zambujeira do Mar and Porto Covo -->1st best
Santos @ Nazaré --> 2nd best
Tasca do Benfica @ Nazaré --> 3rd best
Esplanada da Praia @ Paredes --> 4th best

And I've tried out a whole lot of 'em. :grin: