I've had very similar conversations with God botherers. I said surely God would understand and do the right thing, otherwise I'm a better person than God. They get a bit hot and bothered thenAllan said:The end was being 16, in sunday school in Kansas, big US. I asked the priest what he reckoned, who'd had a better shot at gooing to heaven, this saintlike man, living his whole life being charitable and nice to people, but not giving much time or thouht to religion ever. Or this selfish suit bastard, who on his deathbed swore his eternal love and pennance to Jesus Christ. He nswered the second one.
Bambi said:Theres actually a theory that the reason they did is because its a form of natural selection, an evolutionary trait. the primitive societies that had a concept of divinty survived and evolved, those that didnt fell by the wayside.
Bambi said:"Man is born to believe and if no church comes forward.... to guide him, he will will find altars and idols in hos own heart and his own imagination" as some dead fella said
Malaclypse said:religions are a way of dealing with phenomena a simple human mind can't grasp because it's not intelligent enough.
Malaclypse said:religions crumbled to dust because people got educated, more intelligent, etc, and it's certain that we'll evolve further down that road, leaving our current religions behind and assuming new ones. but the truth never lies in them.
Allan said:The end was being 16, in sunday school in Kansas, big US. I asked the priest what he reckoned, who'd had a better shot at gooing to heaven, this saintlike man, living his whole life being charitable and nice to people, but not giving much time or thouht to religion ever. Or this selfish suit bastard, who on his deathbed swore his eternal love and pennance to Jesus Christ. He nswered the second one.
blackeyed said:does it bloody matter which one got into heaven thats bloody irrelevant, that suggests that you'd only want to follow religion / lead a good life to get into heaven -
The Beatles of our day, I'm sure.Palmer Eldritch said:Opeth are the bestest band on earth!
this is what i meant, why are people so arsed about heaven- heaven if its there should be a bonus at the end of living a great a happy and helpful life.Allan said:I remember back in my childhood, all the kids were saying that, that they believed in God because otherwise they wouldn't go to heaven. I always told them that if they believed in heaven in the first place, they'd had to believe in God anyways.
Allan said:Oh well, this just might be my most incoherent post ever, sorry.
Palmer Eldritch said:This isn't really a heated discussion yet. Watch out for this:
Opeth are the bestest band on earth!
Seriously, they are good.