Goddamn Music Class!

I have 2 guesses:
By not telling them the punchline or by saying Candlejack and getting abducted in the middle of
I got up and was gonna play "Unchained" by Van Halen (to show my rhythm), and I was really tense. I got the rhythn of the song down, but I messed up on quite a few notes. Then I did a little quick diminished arpeggio run up the neck, but while I was going to hit an octave higher of the root note and vibrato bend, I missed it. Everyone's jaw dropped and they constantly kept saying how great it was. I, myself, thought I had never played worse in my life. I guess that was just because I spotted every little imperfection. But anyway, the teacher let me play guitar for the semester, the class thinks I'm some crazy guitar virtuoso :lol:, and a girl said she loved my playing:D, so... I'm happy :D