Goethe's Faust


the fool

I don't know if I spelled his name right, or the name of the play right, but that is not important. My point was that in his play the character Mephistopheles who is the devil, first appears in the form of a dog that follows Faust home. Does anyone else think that this may have anything to do with the line "I am the dog". Is WD comparing god to the devil using Faust?
Intelligent idea, but who would know with WD?...

(Man, change the nick, you're no fool being an acquaintance of Faust.)
Well, i don't know what WD meanings are but in my opinion it's a metaphore for ambivalance, contradictions.
I mean, dog is god, if you spell it the other way around.
and the dream is always the same, no ending...
Turning these two words around, can make you go on and on...it doesn't end.
So, WHAT he means, i don't know..but this is what i read between the lines...

xxx Iris xxx
I somehow trust Cynic on this one (although I liked the character of the poor haunted doctor Henrik Faust, :) ), I mean WD does make puzzles. Sometimes I get the feeling that he puzzels himself with what he writes...

/Z/ >> u-huh, when the hair was long, the pic was taken in 1996... :s good guess, it's not long anymore...