Going back to roommates, possibly.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Bro is renting a bigass house about 10 miles (that's a 30 minute freeway jaunt in SoCal linguistics) away from me, probably going to rent a room. The thing that'll be really cool is that I'll be living with my band so we'll be able to get some serious shit done. We've known each other for many years so the odds for awkwardness will be minimum, with all hopes.

I've had roommates before and said NEVER AGAIN but it'll cut my rent in half so fuck it, plus I'll get a garage to work on my fucking car for the first time since I lived at home nearly 5 years ago. Share your horror stories, in this undoubtedly re-re-re-re-rehashed thread.

about 10 miles (that's a 30 minute freeway jaunt in SoCal linguistics)

With or without traffic? because that sounds wrong.

Anyway, no horror stories of my own, although my former roommate used to get bad cases of hiccups while sleeping drunk. My friend's roommate, however, filled his sink with vomit and eventually ended up taking a massive dump on his prized futon. But I'm sure that's just small potatoes...
Without traffic my friend, this situation you know all too well I'm sure. :D EDIT: Ehh, I'm probably exaggerating. I'll have to cross the 91/15 interchange daily, but will be on the east side of the mess so it shouldn't be too bad, maybe 20 minutes each way. Hopefully.

My favorite bad roommate story involves my friend banging my roommate's girlfriend, and the situation ah, turned sour to say the least. Yeah.
My first roommate moved out within a week.
My second roommate could not speak english AT ALL
My third roommate didn't talk to me and I didn't talk to him.

not being able to choose your roommates in residence sucks.

Now my sister is my roommate sharing an apartment/condo, so I suppose that's better than my last ones