GOOD news for Ring 2 (US)!


Badger Boy
And the new director is:


"Last night the trades reported that first time director Noam Murro parted ways with Dreamworks and left them without a director for The Ring 2, a sequel to the 2002 smash hit. Well today the trades already announced a replacement, Hideo Nakata, the genius who filmed the original 'Ring', entitled Ringu in Japan a few years back."

You've got to be kidding me?! I must be psychic after all. :tickled:

This is brilliant news. Nakata should do a brilliant job, AS LONG AS he's given the same amount of artistic freedom as he would have had in Japan. I mean, look at what happened to John Woo - what a turd burglar he turned into! o_O

Some directors have the magic touch: Hideo Nakata is one, Guillermo del Toro is another. The only concern I have is the American studio bosses wanting him to tone down on the madness, and the fact that the script for Ring 2 might be complete and utter shite. Otherwise, this could be one of those rare sequels that surpass the original. :cool:
If you want to read some of what might be the real script follow this link:

I'm not going to read it though. I want it to come as a surprise if it sucks :). Kind of a hoping for the best while preparing for the worst kind of thing :).

I think a lot of thanks goes out to Sam Raimi for this one for saying 'Hey, let's use the original director!' when they decided to remake Ju-On. I'm sure that Dreamwork's decision had something to do with that :D. Or maybe they just read your suggestion Jay ;).
This is good news :) That said I have yet to see the Ringu remake, so hey...

A friend actually has a copy on dvd, but first I have to watch Happiness of the Katakuris, Dolls, Castle In The Sky and Dead Or ALive 2, which I just got on DVD and haven't watched yet :)
Well, each cost me £5, so I guess shipping to Sweden wouldn't be more than £5, so around £15? That's 22 euros.

If you're interested I can check out the subtitles before sending them to you, as sometimes region three subititles are a bit pants... :)
JayKeeley said:
Hey - has anyone here seen Kairo yet? It's often talked about in quite a well respected manner.
Kairo? Yeah I've seen it. It's alright I suppose. There's certainly much better Asian films out there though.

As for the remake of Ring 2. Well the original wasn't really that good and I can only assume an American version will just be worse. The American Version of the original Ring 1 was a complete butchery. So things will probably just get worse.
Blackwinged said:
As for the remake of Ring 2. Well the original wasn't really that good and I can only assume an American version will just be worse. The American Version of the original Ring 1 was a complete butchery. So things will probably just get worse.
Well, they have a strong budget, a good cast (I like Naomi Watts), and you couldn't ask for a better director than Nakata for a Ring movie. It's all going to pivot on the script now...

By the way, just a thought, but did anyone else think that the actual "video tape" footage in The Ring (US) was pretty crap? I remember seeing that footage in Ringu for the first time, and just feeling like I caught a mild case of Mad Cows Disease. :tickled: The American version was too well constructed, because it made too much sense and tied into all the clues of the movie - whereas, the Japanese version was just TOTALLY FUCKED UP and nonsensical like a bad acid trip. It was just irrelevant chaos. It was...beautiful. :)
JayKeeley said:
Well, they have a strong budget, a good cast (I like Naomi Watts), and you couldn't ask for a better director than Nakata for a Ring movie. It's all going to pivot on the script now...

By the way, just a thought, but did anyone else think that the actual "video tape" footage in The Ring (US) was pretty crap? I remember seeing that footage in Ringu for the first time, and just feeling like I caught a mild case of Mad Cows Disease. :tickled: The American version was too well constructed, because it made too much sense and tied into all the clues of the movie - whereas, the Japanese version was just TOTALLY FUCKED UP and nonsensical like a bad acid trip. It was just irrelevant chaos. It was...beautiful. :)
Ya know Hideo Nakata directed the original Ring 2. What's the point of the original director, directing the re-mark. Lame. If the script is kept to the original it might be good, but like I said the original Ring 2 really didn't do much for me.
Blackwinged said:
Ya know Hideo Nakata directed the original Ring 2. What's the point of the original director, directing the re-mark. Lame.
I'm not sure if I follow. :confused: Why would it be a bad thing to have Nakata direct?
Blackwinged said:
Ya know Hideo Nakata directed the original Ring 2. What's the point of the original director, directing the re-mark. Lame. If the script is kept to the original it might be good, but like I said the original Ring 2 really didn't do much for me.
It isn't really a remake, since it's an entirely new script with a different storyline.
JayKeeley said:
By the way, just a thought, but did anyone else think that the actual "video tape" footage in The Ring (US) was pretty crap? I remember seeing that footage in Ringu for the first time, and just feeling like I caught a mild case of Mad Cows Disease. :tickled: The American version was too well constructed, because it made too much sense and tied into all the clues of the movie - whereas, the Japanese version was just TOTALLY FUCKED UP and nonsensical like a bad acid trip. It was just irrelevant chaos. It was...beautiful. :)
Truth. :)
Unsumed said:
Sounds great :)! Some R3 subtitles can't even be concidered as English ;). Can you accept PayPal or something? Transfering money is effing expensive :).
Cool, I'll check them out for you ASAP and let you know! Paypal is cool as soon as I work out how to transfer paypal payments into my bank account... :)

Is it as easy as sending money? :err:
Hey Unsumed, really sorry I haven't got back to you yet, I've had a lot of work to do this week. I promise you I'll check out the subtitles over the weekend for you, let you know what they're like (saturday morning) and post whichever ones you are interested in on Monday (or Saturday!) if I've heard from you. If I don't manage it I'll knock some money off :)

If you need to get in touch with me feel free to mail -
Ok, checked out the subtitles, Happiness' are very good indeed, from the few minutes I watched, exactly the same as the English release I saw last weekend (damn good film BTW!!). DOA2's aren't quite so good, they are hard to follow. You can watch it and get the plot, but it isn't easy by any means. Ok if you think it won't a film you'll want to watch a lot, but if you think you'll be seeing it more than a couple of times you may want to get the Tartan Asia Extreme release instead...

If you mail me your address and whether you want one or both (or none!) of them I'll post them ASAP :)