goodbye Donald Rumsfeld you absolute cock

this whole election is awesome. dems own the house. and they're one seat away from owning the senate.

if a dem is voted Pres in 2 years, it means good things

rumsfields resignation is icing on the cake
Yep. Republicans ordered planes to fly in to the WTC. Get yer heads out of your asses. How many wars have been started for far less??!?! I'm out of this thread, high blood pressure is something I don't need right now.

Assnodes, you're a complete fucking idiot. Be advised, that that statement is made not just for comments made in this thread, but for every thought that comes out of that fancy frenchy french cracked skull of yours.

Avg Person with a brain solution. "Blame whoever the group is that is making the shit decision."

if the gov't was comprised of primarily democrats, and the same shit was happening, i'd blame the democrats... just so you know

Did I miss something? Have we ever lived in a perfect world?
Yep. Republicans ordered planes to fly in to the WTC. Get yer heads out of your asses. How many wars have been started for far less??!?! I'm out of this thread, high blood pressure is something I don't need right now.

Right. Now, why exactly did we go into Iraq? There were no goddamn weapons of mass destruction. Iraq was perfectly fine how it was (by Iraqi standards). If we wanted to wave our gigantic missles at someone, it could have been North Korea or Iran, since they had more nuclear technology than Iraq. I fully supported the war in Afghanistan, but the government went batshit and decided to start ANOTHER war instead of finishing the one that people actually believed in.