group activity !!!!!!! WOOOOOO

Night Reaper

ooo the reaper wants more
Oct 6, 2006
New Brunswick, Canada
we should find another forum other then UM and all join and just troll but remain serious at the same or we would get kicked out

like a furniture or cat forum or something

Jeez, you'd think I was that Amy broad from the Denver Post...
Hey, you still flying jets around places?
Heh. Not quite, dude. I fly DA20's. XD What have you been up to lately; how have you been? You should visit the frozen North some time. :p

CliffBurton said:
Hey, did Dani get my last message?
Dunno. I can ask if you'd like. ^_^ Any word for 70,000 Tons?
it was the word, totally can't go :/
I'm starting to think you people are stalking me, finding when I'm busiest and then inviting me to things :(