Growling vs. Grunting


I am a viking. Sometimes.
Jul 3, 2003
Growling like in 'Opeth', and grunting like in 'Cryptopsy'. What one is better?

[Edit] I know most people like growling, but I wanna hear what the grunters have to say.
I say growling, 'cause it takes talent, and you can 'sing' while growling. Grunting sounds like it hurts and they are trying to force out the words.
Cryptopsy's vocals are worst vocals ever... I can say that about the old one, I dont have a clue about the new one...
They arent the worst ever.. There is alot worse. I can, atleast, sit down and listen to them without turning it off.
Crypt's vocals sound pretty much the same. Better on the newer stuff..
Another goddamn bird hit the side of my house..
the technique a vocalist uses doesnt matter one bit to me. it all depends on how well they master the vocals in general.
For shame, Lord Worm of Cryptopsy owns!
Disalvo is an annoying twat, how someone can manage to completely butcher proper music with awful vocals to that extent is beyond me.

I like growling. But my favorite vocalist is lord worm, yes you can all hate me now
i like both. i cant really say which is bettter cos theyre suited to totally different types of music. i love mikaels growling technique (especially on deliverance), but i also love the grunting style (ie dennis röndum from visceral bleeding)

apples and oranges :loco:
Growling sounds like its coming from the bowels of the soul whereas grunting sounds like someones taking a shit and trying to sing...
Growling > grunting by far!
heh, maybe you guys haven't heard good grunting. =) Cryptopsy's Lord Worm was a very boring grunter. It can be done far better...of course, to achieve an interesting aesthetic with grunting, you generally have to abandon representing lyrics even more than Lord Worm did.....grunts are good when they sometimes turn into deep or high-pitched croaking dynamically during the song, or when the grunting becomes noticably rhythmic with the song. You wouldn't think it from listening to early Cryptopsy and hearing everyone worship Lord Worm as the best grunter....but grunts can get to be extremely dynamic and varied. I don't mean to sound elitist, but generally, the more underground you go, the more kinds of grunting you'll notice. ;o)

What everyone said about growling though i'll agree with; especially in the case of Mikael's growling. The best kind is definately when the lyrics are clear too; it's strange hearing such a demonically low voice spouting discernable human language. It makes the sense of evil (or the feeling of evil) much more malevolent when it wears an intimate human disguise. It's a parallel comparison to say how realistic danger (say in movies and games) is usually a lot scarier than sci-fi scares like made-up monsters etc.

Overall....i'm straying more to grunts right now. Stuff like Debodified, Devourment and early Neuraxis have gotten me really interested.
Lord Worms 30 second grunt/scream or whatever you wanna call it in the track 'open face surgery' just fucking owns everything else...
chaveta said:
Lord Worms 30 second grunt/scream or whatever you wanna call it in the track 'open face surgery' just fucking owns everything else...

Yeah sure, it's a classic moment...but that doesn't mean his grunting is exemplary.

It isn't.