Grunts vs. Singing

Strapping Young Lad is probably the "deathiest" thing I can think of that uses clean vocals, although they're not really. I'm sure there are some bands that utilize them well, I don't really know of any, though. Maybe if someone knows a death metal band where the clean vocals are front and center you could post about them, I'd like to hear how those would be used.

The biggest utilization of excellent clean vocals with harsh music that I can think of would be the post-black things like Arcturus and Solefald.
I was thinking more about death metal with what he said, but you can take it that way also. Yes, Dani Filth is a crap vocalist, regardless of what he's doing.
The style of vocals I like the most is angelic female vocals like White Willow, Renaissance and Lumsk. o_O
And I hate clean viking vocals such as these used by Falkenbach and Windir. A complete disaster
I like growling vocals if it fits. But there are some bands i wouldn't want to hear clean vocals on. Dying Fetus for instance.
Lykathea said:
I strongly disagree.

As do I. Next thing you know, he'll be saying that the vocals on Bathory's Hammerheart were a disaster as well. And then I would have to kill his family.
No, I wouldn't go as far, but the vocals are definitely not the highlight of Hammerheart
Hmmm... I'd have to say that I miss clear vocals alot. Not that I mind deep grunts, screaming crap, and such(for example, my favorite band is Iniquity), but I hate generic vocals. Mostly, ones like Chimaira, Himsa, and them 'duh' metallers(such as fleshgrind, mortician, severe torture etc...). Seeing as, you can get a much different experience from Devourment than you can from say, Iron Maiden or Into Eternity. Personally, I like both, but I'd love to see more clear vox in metal (mostly black metal).
I do like grunting better than singing. But I do listen to music with singing too, like Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, and certain power metal bands. Primordial, one of my favorite bands at the moment, have vocals that aren't grunting or singing; more like a clean chanting. AA Nemtheanga is my favorite vocalist.
sonofhendrix13 said:
Which do you like better? I assume most of us have gotten used to growling/grunting/screaming in metal but do you like it more than traditional vocals?

My general rule of thumb is that if I can understand more than 10% of what the singer is saying, then it blows. Most of the time that is because metal lyrics are pretty stupid.

I consider the singer as just another instrument, I have no interest in what he is saying, just as long as his voice is nasty and vile and generally adds to the viciousness of the music.
