Grunts vs. Singing

Prepare for a repeated cry of "whatever fits the fucking music!", which is fair enough.

I'll add that I personally find that there is a higher ratio of bad singing to good singing than there is of bad growls to good growls.
I listen to more bands with death growling, but fuck...I have so much more respect for someone who has a great singing voice.
Real technical singing, like opera for instance, is fucking difficult. I have nothing but respect for good clean singers.
It depends on the quality of the vocalist and the use in the music. I probably listen to more clean singing at the moment, though.
And on the what I'd like to do....

I used to be into doing the growls and such. But now I'm just liking regular singing. Harsh vocals are something I'm perfectly happy for someone else to do. I'd rather keep my vocal chords in good shape.
Pavarotti's favourite singer is Bruce Dickinson...

Anyway, if the singer is good, singing >>>>>> growling.

Hell, raspy shouting >>>> growling.

To tell you the truth, unless it's done right (Frank Mullen, Kam Lee, etc), growling is just plain dumb.
In general I prefer a clear singing voice to growls/grunts, yet for some sounds a raspy/growly voice simply fits, as with much Black Metal and also bands such as Dark Tranquillity (imo Mikael Stanne is the most versatile Death Metal "singer").

I never got into the gargle-grunting or the extreme shrieking, though...
If singing is done right, and is not your generic rock band voice, then I enjoy it the most.

However, most of the time growling is good, it's hard to have a growl that doesn't have a good sound to it, unlike singing where it can just plain suck.
Lykathea said:
good singing > good growling > bad growling >>>>>>>>>> bad singing

definitely. if the vocalist just has an amazing voice that totally fits the music and is amazing, it makes the band sound sooo much better
ænimated said:
If singing is done right, and is not your generic rock band voice, then I enjoy it the most.

However, most of the time growling is good, it's hard to have a growl that doesn't have a good sound to it, unlike singing where it can just plain suck.

Growling can also just plain suck.
That's what I knew your were going to ask.

I don't think you really hear about bands that have vocalists who just sound awful. Especially harsh vocals, since the music probably isn't worth anything either if the harsh vocals are bad. But if you go up to fifty people on the street and ask them to growl, most will probably sound crappy. Same thing with regular singing. Both are things that can sound good with proper training and technique.

Maybe regular singing is just more obviously bad without training than harsh vocals are.....
I tend to like more bands that growl than I do bands that sing, but a great singing voice always catches my ears more than growls do. But I really doubt clean singing can ever fit well in death metal(if someone says Opeth, please give me permission to slap you with a 10 foot pole). The only clean vocals I've heard that fit in death metal is the weird clean vocals in Wicked Innocence's Omnipotence.

But really, what matters is if it fits! :Spin: