Growling vs. Grunting

chaveta said:
Mike DiSalvo made me NOT want to buy any cryptopsy record after None So Vile, he totally sucks.

I totally relate....i've given that era a second chance though and i've been re-aquainting myself with the music. I think after a few more weeks or months of learning to ignore DiSalvo, I might buy Whisper and ..And. The music's not bad underneath.

I believe that Dying Sun (Planetary Eulogy) once made a comment on how Cryptopsy's music was (obviously) chaotic (structurally and in time changes) but without any real direction. He actually said their compositions were 'pointless'....and while I don't agree to that extent, I am starting to realise that there is some truth to what he said; the latter day Cryptopsy material does wander a bit.
SculptedCold said:
The voice in modern music is most often an instrument before it is a linguistic device, who cares if you can't make-out the lyrics? That's what the booklet and writing is for, the voice is there to compliment, accompany and complete the music above all.

Well, i meant that as its better to have it somewhat comprehensible a la opeth or death as opposed to complete chaotic garbles similar to cannibal corpse. Mind you its just an opinion and opinions, especially a single opinion voiced among millions on a message board are practically insignificant.
NicodemiX said:
Well, i meant that as its better to have it somewhat comprehensible a la opeth or death as opposed to complete chaotic garbles similar to cannibal corpse. Mind you its just an opinion and opinions, especially a single opinion voiced among millions on a message board are practically insignificant.

hahahahaha, there be no such millions hyar to protect thee from my wrath :heh:

no really though, if it's all so insignificant, why do you bother at all? (that's not a stab, it's a genuine interested query =)
Thats not wrath...
Cannibal Corspe is about as clear as hell compared to some vocalists. Lord Worm for example. If you can follow all the lyrics on Blasphemy made flesh your going well. Try a few grind bands on for size...
Damn I have to say growls too. Sucks cause its so one-sided. Shoulda asked if people prefer growls to black metal style vocals. I liked Shaggrath's vocals on EDT very much. I really haven't heard anything better other than Opeth's. Emperor's you just can't hear and Immortal's are just funny. And the other black metalers just don't appeal to me vocally.
Oh yeah! I heard singing like el cookie monster can mess up your singing. Like the guy from Dark Tranquility. He said that he can't sing like the way he did on Projector anymore because of the death metal vocals. Which is prolly the reason I don't like the new DT more than their older albums. Any thoughts on this matter? And why hasn't Mike's voice went el shietzer?!
SculptedCold said:
no really though, if it's all so insignificant, why do you bother at all? (that's not a stab, it's a genuine interested query =)

Because im a loser and ive got nothing better to do with my life than to bitch about stupid shit on internet message boards...


Hey, at least I'm honest


Oh yeah, and because the Nevermore board is fucking hilariously entertaining to participate in.
Iblys said:
Um, at the risk of starting an absolute shitstorm, I'm not sure if Lord Worm's 30 second scream on Open Face Surgery is.... real or edited.... there seems to be one part in there especially where it's almost like you can hear another scream start underneath it and take over .... as if it was overdubbed.

I am not a huge Cryptopsy fan so I don't know if he's done this live or anything... but yeah, how sure are you guys it was done for real?

ITs because its an inhaled scream, he's breathing in while screaming.
Antoher reason why Lord Worm is one the best :p