GTA-SA thread


Overly-Cryptic Jake
so, i know a few of us have this game. here is a thread ALLL about it.

i'm still in the first part of the map, but one thing i've noticed is how HUGE this game is. i think this first part of the map is as big as all of Vice City... am i right or what?

also, i think big sweet is in with the cops... just calling it now.
ok ok ok

nearly everything is improved from Vice City - some things significantly, some more subtley. one thing I don't think they improved on is the radio. some of the stations play some pretty amazing music but the djs (with the exception of the talk radio station) are TERRIBLE!I admit I've only been listening to a few stations but they're just not funny at all. the ads of course are pretty amazing. ANYWAY.

Love the working out thing, and I like that they did away with hidden packages in favor of a variety of collectibles (I've been covering up soooo many grafitti tags). The targeting system is also much more improved - if you get close enough to your target it automatically switched to a head shot. The driving is even better, I think the phsyics of skidding and collisions is much improved and the blurring effect when you're travelling at high speed is much more pronounced. Also the other drivers are more aggressive, if you hit someone they'll often get out of their car with some kind of blunt object and try and fuck you up. Having gang members join your posse is great, and being able to talk back to people that talk to you is awesome.

that's pretty much all I've got as I'm only 4% through the game so far. OH the variety of weapons seems much more vast.
i'm glad they got rid of the hidden packages too. i hated that. but, they just replaced it with the tags... so.

josh, that tip on the 'other board' about the gun on top of the house close to you is true... i checked.

but yeah, all of those improvements you mentioned are great. i'm still learning my way around it, but it seems like abig improvement. also, the fact that you can break into houses to get shit is awesome.
well I don't feel as pressured to get all the tags cause the payoff isn't as huge as it was in the other games

although I DO need to figure out where the fuck the stars are. I found one near the first save point but that's it so far...
I just started on the missions in San Fierro, and I'm quite intimidated by all the backroads and countryside. The missions are now so varied and a few are super-unique. My two complaints are the radio station not being quite as good as it was on Vice City, and that one of my big draws to the last two were the story lines resembling Goodfellas, Scarface and Miami Vice (which was pulled off in a very humorous fashion). I just can't get that interested in the Boyz 'N The Hood type guise.
I just started playing this game today, my boyfriend's stepdad has it. I am a really shitty driver.. I blew up two or three times in Sweet's car, killing him in the process. I gave up on the drive by mission. My homies got shot by the gang. It will take me years to get through this game. I am so horrible at games.
Astral Poetry - i can understand that (not getting into it as much because of the story line). it does seem a bit 'thug-ish', but i still find it fun. i think the 'motherfucking/er' 'fuck' stuff is a little over the top. that would be a complaint i guess.
The hidden packages were replaced by different things in different sections.
Los Santos= Tags
San Fierro=photo ops
Las Venturas=Horseshoes

I'm running into some real issues. Think maybe I started overheating the system or something. Had it crash on several missions.