I've got a copy right in front of me, but I'm still waiting for my PS3 to be fixed. Played it for a few hours at the girlfriend's house the other night though. I WANT MORE :lol:
It finally came yesterday. Spent a good few hours on it. Definitely better than IV. There's still some stupid AI glitches though that I would have thought they'd try to get rid of by now.

I watched a woman cross an intersection on foot, stop turn around cross it again, again, and again....before finally walking off.

2 cops were chasing another bad guy. They both get out of their cruiser, shoot the guy dead, then one cop runs back to the car and takes off speeding, the other cop just stops, looks off into space, and starts walking down a steep hill into the mountains. :lol:

It really doesn't seem THAT much different than IV all around, but I do love the map so far, especially. And the missions feel more fun on this.
Well, such a bummer. My Xbox has been getting the "Disc read error/Open Tray error". I've had it opened and cleaned by a friend once before and it fixed this issue. Now, of course, it's back at it.

this destroys IV imo!
so much more to the game in every way.
better story, better map, the cars are driveable....

love this game, iv was nowhere near this. keen for the PC version, gonna get a new graphics card to play it haha
I've never been a fan of GTA series, but this new game is not bad. Much better than the last one in my opinion. They did a good job on the world/landscape, even the sea looks pretty good, the story is actually good, the gameplay is nice, there's a lot of stupid stuff you can do and lots of exploration that are interesting, there's an ufo under the sea, etc. The bad things: there are some lame missions, the helicopter feels retarded and the animations are still as clumsy as any other gta game. Still haven't finished it though, I'm at the part where you fly and crash into a cargo plane with another plane.