Not long now...

I actually tried to use my all-powerful godly connections to receive it beforehand and play it offline, but Rockstar has been really anal about not letting any retailers receive their copies before the release date. God damn it, can't afford to stay home next week to play it!
I think Saints Row is lame. Really kiddie humor.

I'm sorry your refined sensibilities are offended by dick & fart jokes. :)

FWIW, SR2 was my favorite, followed by SR4, which is sort of like "Grand Theft Auto if it happened in the Matrix." Somewhat brilliant, IMO.

That being said, i do have high hopes for GTAV. Hopefully they recapture some of the magic that was Vice City.
Looking forward to this one a lot, trailers are awesome.
Just a pitty I won't have any time for it in the next month though :lol:
Playing Sleeping Dogs at the moment but I can't wait for GTA V to be available on PC.
It seems GTAV is the most expensive game ever done. Right now I am playing Hitman absolution, I rarely play 2 games at the same time. But after finishing Hitman I might take a look at GTA.
Sooooooo who has it?

My preorder is ending up taking a few days after release date to even get to me. :( Totally defeats the purpose of "pre-ordering". Not only that, but the tracking number says it's 1 state away and supposedly will take 5 more days to get here. Something isn't right. UPS is seriously on my shit list lately. Putting spike strips down in the driveway and inspecting all packages from now on in front of them.
I got my copy yesterday! (Microsoft online store GUARANTEED release day delivery thru UPS)

Had a pretty good GTA moment last night... (no spoilers I promise)

Was doing a mission where I had to evade a few cop cars and a chopper. As me and my gang buddies pulled away in a sedan, a cop shot out one of my rear tires. So I struggled to keep the thing on the road for a mile or so and saw an opportunity to swap cars in an isolated parking lot. However, the lot was slim best option was a god damn Prius. So I hopped in and drove off, with my homies hanging out the back windows firing uzis, while "This is the rhythm of the night..." was blaring on the radio. Needless to say, we didn't get away. A Prius can't outrun shit. But I wasn't mad AT ALL at what just happened. :lol:
Some of the video reviews I've watched claim the driving handling is more forgiving and vehicles take a lot more damage. Driving 60 mph straight into a brick wall in IV would send you through the windshield, but doing the same in V just seems to bounce you off the wall with barely any damage. This is disappointing for me. I watched our other guitarist play a little last night after practice and the game definitely looks better and seems like it feels better as well than IV.
Good to know. My girlfriend is probably ready to murder me as all I've been saying all day is "I WANT MY FUCKING GAMMMMMME!!!!" like a little kid. :lol:
Some of the video reviews I've watched claim the driving handling is more forgiving and vehicles take a lot more damage. Driving 60 mph straight into a brick wall in IV would send you through the windshield, but doing the same in V just seems to bounce you off the wall with barely any damage. This is disappointing for me. I watched our other guitarist play a little last night after practice and the game definitely looks better and seems like it feels better as well than IV.

But you get right back up and dust yourself off in either case. :lol: Oh no i may have chipped a nail going through that car windshield at 60 mph.