Thought there would be more talk about this. Ever since online was released, I haven't gone back to single player.

Bought myself a 2 car garage but it's in a shitty part of town. :lol:

Survival Missions are fun and if you beat 10 waves you win $20,000. Great way to earn cash, rank up and build stats.

Most people just don't play nice and will kill you in the freemode every chance they get. Goddamn pricks.
watched my friend play through the whole thing with me doing the occasional 5 minutes here and there (i SUCK at shooting on ps3) really wanted to play it on PC, but im kind of over the game now haha
I realized yesterday that since the game came out, I only wrote ONE song compared to the TEN that I wrote in August (and the 8 I wrote in July).

Good thing I can't stand playing on Live (f'ing kids) and I beat the game so it's getting old. Time to get back to business!
The online part of this game is unlike anything I've played before. Loving it. I played in public sessions for a week and enjoyed it, but lately I've been in closed sessions with only my Crew buddies and it's not been nearly as frustrating making money. The mission tasks are sometimes a little dull, but the chaos that ensues with cop chases and gang fights is always enjoyable. Looking forward to Rockstar patching in the heists! :Smokedev:
Yeah, the online is starting to work. Loving the shit out of it! It's so fun when a random player kills you while you have a few friends online. Soon your killer is tormented by 4 other players over and over again.

And the chaos when Simeon wants a specific car which anybody can collect.

Shit gets personal really easily :D
Once the online was released, I haven't gone back to single player. It is loads of fun, but I do get slightly bored and discouraged to play if my friends aren't also playing.
finally got to play this at a friend's house for a few hours today. all i could think about was playing something else, he didn't have LAST OF US or Saints Row 4 though. damn.

Not to get off subject but I absolutely love the online for The Last Of Us.

Yeah what little I've seen of my brother playing GTA V online it hasn't caught my attention that much. Though until I play it for myself I can't judge.
Gave in, bought a PS3 (500GB) and GTA V yesterday (bundled). Wasted a lot of time getting it working with my extra Dell monitor through DVI. DON'T buy an adapter, get the HDMI to DVI-D cable or it won't pass the HDCP signal and you'll just have a black screen. Running the audio through lightpipe into my Profire 2626.

This is a great game and runs really smooth, I'm not used to that!. This is actually the first blu ray game I've ever played and last console game was GTA San Andreas only PS2.

When I went to bed as 2:30 I was still hearing sirens.
its not but folks are having fun trying.

only thing I've seen stop it is the fighter jet guns.

Yeah I just found out last night exactly how you can stop it.

Still having hours of fun with this. It's just not quite as good when you don't have a few friends on all screaming into their headsets. :lol: