Guitar Contest

I should submit a video too, just for fun. Although, I'll continue to get the "OMG U STOLE ALEXI'S GUITAR OMG HAHA LOLZ0RZ!!", since I stuck my WildChild sticker back on my Stars RR.

Do it, just for teh lulz, and also to beat the shit out of that guy with the white Jackson. Shame is that you can't get the price, but you'd pwn them all, :lol:

I just hope that somebody from the forum get it, although there are really funny videos around there.
I think RedSGShredder and Lowberg are in the lead with 152 votes and Lowberg with something around 60. The most thumbs down are on thirdasians video :lol:
Hehe thanks guys. I guess, since I didn't go to like -200 overnight, it's not all that bad =) As for the sloppy parts, it's nearly impossible to play them spot-on, so I'm doing the best I can. There's probably people out there with much better technique, but I doubt they'd waste time on CoB solos :lol: