Guitar Contest

You're allowed to vote once, for everybody.

Also, expect a new video tomorrow. My focus was more on having some fun with it this time. I thought about not keeping the solo because it wasn't clean enough, but I did some improvisation afterwards that I really really liked. So I kept it.

This one's less about the perfection, and more about the performance. If you want a perfectly reproduced solo, there's already 2+ people who can do it better than me.:rock::rock::rock::rock:
Wanna fight about it? :lol: I don't give a fuck about winning this contest and this was more of an excuse to buy a camcorder and learn to edit. So fuck you if I really disappointed you :lol:
I haven't voted for anyone yet cuz I don't know how many votes we're if I vote for one player, will I not be allowed to vote for another? Or does it give you unlimited votes?

It's one vote per video from what I noticed. You can give a +1 or -1 to any vid once, but you can't change the vote.

Although, I think with a dynamic IP address or proxies you can vote more, but that's like... cheating.
I wonder why you'd already post your vid, when your playing isn't perfect.

To have most time to get thumbs?
They allow you to post as many times as you want. And I do get better everyday. Eventually it will get to a point where I play the solo perfectly and my performance is great with it. If you can redo it everyday, why not, then? Sure, it takes a little time and effort, but this is fun for me. I've become a much better guitar player and I've come to expect much more out of myself as a result of this contest. I'm really putting myself into it, and it's a lot of fun. If you'd seen my first video, you'd understand; I couldn't even hit the first triplet thingy.

I don't even care about winning, because the prizes really aren't that important to me, but being able to talk to all these other guitar players about my playing is a really good feeling to me. And if I were to win, meeting Alexi and crew would be a nice bonus.
I'm in Ukraine right now, and I can see the vids and vote on them. Suposedly you can even post a vid even if you aren't from US :lol:
Are you the one who called emo-looking?

You should see what I'm normally wearing. :lol:

I'm pretty sure my negative votes has less to do with my playing and more to do with irrelevant things. Probably voted me down 'cuz they thought I was a fag.
Are you the one who called emo-looking?

You should see what I'm normally wearing. :lol:

I'm pretty sure my negative votes has less to do with my playing and more to do with irrelevant things. Probably voted me down 'cuz they thought I was a fag.
Haha, yeah. but like I said, it doesn't matter how you dress or what you do with your hair. If you can get the playing down, then you'll have it.

but btw, it looked like you kinda dressed up for the video :lol:
Same here. Wait, is that a guy? :Puke:

lol are you being serious? cuz yeah, that is a boy.
The level of faggotry in some of those videoes are amazing. If you get an expensive custom shop alexi scythe guitar then fucking learn to play before you get it.
I may have slightly. What's wrong with wanting to look good before attempting to whore yourself out to mindless metal heads?

It really doesn't matter, even if I played it perfectly I couldn't get votes. "Some Guy" actually said "You suck, I hate you." Although not with grammar and punctuation like mine.

And yeah, the gear people have is ridiculous. I play through a cheap Dean Markley amp and a 250 Dollar warlock.