New Metal Member
- Nov 2, 2009
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Only loser have guitars with neck pickups and non RR shaped guitars are shit!
I actually decided not to buy an Alexi and instead I purchased an RR24 with the red stripesIt looks soooo fucking sweet.
And, does that mean that Alexi was using a Randy Rhoads signature guitar while he played at concerts? Coz I dont know many guitarists that used someone else's signature guitar while performing... Still... The Jackson Stars J2SP is such a nice guitar.
indeed, tell that to rusty cooley
you can't get it in the US, you have to import it here, it's a bitch to do
you got 2+ grand lying around?
Haven't tried that one, but tried Kerry King's replica (the cheap, bolt on, no floyd one) and besides the input jack (I despise how it's built) I remember it beeing ok. But it's not smaller than Alexi's guitars though.
Oooh look at me, I go by topics but I've never tried one!
Yes, the AL600's lower wing is indeed a lot longer than usual, but I have an RR24 and I've played the AL600 and the size difference is by no means so noticeable. Yes, lower wing is, but overall is not, and ESP necks are really nice (tried Roope's too, and damn was it awesome).
Plus the ESP SV has the same shape as Alexi's actual guitars, not with the extra long lower wing.
Bash when you know what you're talking about, don't jump on ther banwagon just because everybody does.
RR stands for Randy Rhoads, yes.
Alexi's guitars were custom but didn't have many stuff, so I guess 4000 each or so to get replicas of those. And 8-12 months wait. Seriously, I don't think it's worth it. If shape/looks is what interests you, get the RR24, it's a sweet guitar. And if you want top notch, then go for the USA RR1 or, if you want the 24 frets, for the King V (USA too). The body isn't that big, trust me. Not an RR, but not huge.
I bet you had to fucking google what an Explorer was, didn't you
Randy Rhoads designed the guitar, it's just named after him, it's not his signature. And seriously, you could only think of Alexi/Roope as Rhoads users? lrn2diversemusictaste
old news but its nothing like the COOL sv's lol
I don't think it's released yet. That is the american site, btw. In case anyone had their doubts.
I seem to remember jackson not allowing people to order custom's to alexi's exact specs, even without the pickups and booster.
Some policy about not making artist replicas customs, which doesn't make sense to me since he's not endorsed by them anymore
besides custom jacksons are like $6,000 nowadays and can take up to a year and a half turnaround