Guitar Throw

your guitar belt is important to, it must have a soft surface or you scratch your shoulder.

with a righthander and good locks, just throw it with power over your left shoulder...

oh, and even steve vai got his guitar in his ass on the same way, look the live at the astoria dvd
you serious, steve vai hit his ass as well.... man if steve screwed up there must of been something wrong... anyone got a clip of steve vai hittin his ass?
Sphinx said:
you serious, steve vai hit his ass as well.... man if steve screwed up there must of been something wrong... anyone got a clip of steve vai hittin his ass?
That's not the only thing steve vai hit his ass with... :loco:

Here's a question: doesn't the guitar/strap get stuck in their hair?
Malmsteen is God. He invented the guitar throw and yes, Alexi does get hit in the bum/or side with the curve of his RR and I've seen the clip! I know it sucks and everyone makes mistakes, but it sure is funny as hell to watch!
Noble Viking said:
Alexi does get hit in the bum/or side with the curve of his RR and I've seen the clip! I know it sucks and everyone makes mistakes, but it sure is funny as hell to watch!
Funny as hell to imagine even. :lol:
Yo! I uploaded the video on the ftp (Rubinos's)! The one with Allu getting his guitar up his ass! :loco: Actually it's been there for a long time . . . I think I named it "Alexi screw up" or "Alexi Fuck up". Check it out . . . Enjoy! :lol: :loco:
I accidentaly dl'd it at emule, some time before I read this is that funny as hell! Oh but he doesn't give a flying fuck motherfucker :loco: