Guitar tone competition 2 final round (really!)

Which of these clips has your favorite guitar tone?

  • YY

    Votes: 9 13.0%
  • V

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • WW

    Votes: 11 15.9%
  • SS

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • O

    Votes: 23 33.3%
  • JQ

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • II

    Votes: 7 10.1%
  • EV

    Votes: 11 15.9%
  • CC

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • BY

    Votes: 1 1.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It's nice of Yellow Matter to sponsor this. But when you say latest software, are you referring to Trigger, or the Mastering pack? Heck, wouldn't it be awesome if he put up one of those Dragon compressors :lol:
It's nice of Yellow Matter to sponsor this. But when you say latest software, are you referring to Trigger, or the Mastering pack? Heck, wouldn't it be awesome if he put up one of those Dragon compressors :lol:

Let me just say that the software wasn't released yet at the start of this competition :blush:
First of all congratulations to O, aka Ermz! I will contact you shortly about the prize and how we'll get it to you.

(if you have msn add me now)

Here is his info:

Chain: TS808 Clone /w mods > Bugera 6260 > Harley Benton 2x12 /w V30s

Mic'ed with a single SM57.

Plug-in chain included:

-PSP MixSaturator 2
-Sonnox EQ
-Waves CLA-3A
-Waves L2
-Waves C4
-Voxengo Curve EQ

YY is Wild_Hades Guitars.jpg Narrow.jpg Parallel.jpg Bus.jpg

V was Jipchen

signal chain: Presonus FP-10 LineOut -> Little Labs RED EYE -> Peavey 6505+ -> ENGL E412 VS <- Shure Beta 57 -> Presonus FP-10 MicPre -> Logic

WW was Tokyurot


SS was Sopulurn

Signal chain for Guitar Tone Contest - sopulurn

Overloud TH1:

"TubeNine" od-pedal with a small amount of drive, full tone and level at about 2 o'clock
TH1 Amplifier HeaVy51 (5150), lead channel, drive 10 o'clock, bass 1 o'clock, mid 4 o'clock, treble 3 o'clock, presence full. varifire at 8.
IRs "awesome4pulse" and internal "American57 02" blended together.


+3.5dB @ 166Hz
+1.5dB @ 1240Hz
+3.5dB @ 6300Hz

I added CamelPhat to add a small touch of grit to the sound. Just a tiny bit of tube distortion and exciter, that's all.

Highpass 160Hz

Lowpass 10600Hz

JQ was CatharsisStudios (Ryan)

No info submitted

II was Nuno Filipe



EV was Lolzgreg

DI->RME Fireface 800->John Cuniberti Reamp v2->Maxon OD-820 pro (Gain 9:00, Level and Tone 1:00)->
Baron K2 Lead Channel (Gain 1:30, Treble 12:00, Mids 11:00, Bass 2:00, Level 2:00, Main 9:00, Pres 2:45. Thrust 3:00, Brite On, Boost Off, Mid Shift Low, Voicing Tight)->
Mesa Boogie Rectifier 4x12->SM57 on the crease between the dustcap and the tone (60% on dustcap), 1 inch away from the grille cloth->Impedance Modded XLR Cable (to 300ohms)->RME Fireface 800->
HP@80, -1db@400hz, LP@8khz). No gain/effects were added in the mixer.

CC was Metalmiller


BY was Xes

Unfortunately actually I don't have a camera to take pictures.
Anyway these are the settings:

TS7 -> 6505+ -> 2X12 Custom cab -> sm57

TS7 settings:

Drive: 1
Tone: 3
Level: 5

6505+ settings:

Red channel

Gain: 4
Bass: 7
Mids: 5.5
Treb: 6
Reso: 8
Pres: 7.5

sm57 on axis, aiming the conjunction dustcup,cone (a little more near the center)
I definitely thought you were JQ actually Greg, though I agree with Ermz (congrats btw dude!) about similarities with your other stuff (the honk of JQ made me think of those first Mills clips you made though)

And looks like I ended up going for the all-digital dudes for my top two choices, but hey, all that matters is in the end result, so congrats WildHades and Tokyurot, FWIW as I mentioned you were my top-2! :rock:
hahahhh, this definitely proves it's not the gear but the one behind it.

half of the finalists are sims, and a Bugera wins. In fact my fav was LE456!

Congrats Ermz and the rest

What "module" do you usually use on guitars on the mixsatuator? Ive been using tape3 recently, can't tell if its the darkest though.
So Ermz, that's a lot of plugins on your guitar bus. Do you usually process that much?

I didn't do anything to mine aside from HP/LP. Maybe I should consider otherwise next time.
Thanks guys. Your kindness will help me get through the coming few days of 40+ degree temperatures.

@The_Shred: Yeah I use Tape 3 as well. Usually quite sparingly, it can do weird things to guitars, though it also levels them out and gives a little bit more perceptible 'squish'. I use it when the guitars don't sound compressed or soft enough.

@Greg: It depends greatly on the source track. Commonly, yes, usually due to the tracking being done poorly, or the tone being substandard for some reason or another. Of course the issue here is a really cheap head and cab. There is a lot of junk in the tone and it helps to remove it. However, I did another reamp, very close to this one, with absolutely nothing apart from HP and LP, which I personally think sounds better.

All about the source really.
Definitely didn't think I was going to end up in the finals... My tone wasn't really amazing, so I guess I just got lucky. I've been able to tweak my tone to whole new levels after taking part to this competition, and I learnt a lot, which is the most important thing.

So yeah, it was me who had some of that DIs-leaking-through thing going on... I'll explain:

There's an option in TH1, to route your signal to two different amps (sounds like a nice feature, but I haven't found any use for it to date). So if you don't have anything set up on the other route, you obviously only get a dry signal through it. I'm really not sure what happened, but apparently at some point the mix level was set to 50/50 (either I accidentally did that, or it went there by itself for some reason. Hasn't done such thing afterwards though, so I suspect it was a fuck up of my own). I didn't listen to the final mix too much before uploading (a huge mistake really) and there you go. You can imagine the FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU when someone pointed the DI's out and I realized it was my mix :lol: