Guitar Tone Competition 3: Files and rules

Sorry for quoting myself but any idea about this?
On different side I have a little question about what is allowed to do or not:
I know submision as to be at 26bit44khz but recording at other sample rate (like 88khz and downgrade to 44 after for exemple) is considered like modifying the composition or edit the performance on the supplied di-tracks?
Sound a little be like a noobish question but when you record at highter sample rate your DI are at the sesion sample rate and someone can see this like a modification.
Sound stupid or illogic for somes, other would agree (don't want to start a sample rate war) but I prefer record everything at 88 or 96 and back to 44 again record direct to 44. But I can understand if this isn't allowed in the comp.
Just ask before do my final reamp.
DONT cut the silence in the beginning!!!!
it's important that all the mixes line up 100% when imported into the DAW, otherwise comparisons would be very difficult.
every mix I'll download that doesn't line up will not be auditioned (by me), so won't get my vote
DONT cut the silence in the beginning!!!!
it's important that all the mixes line up 100% when imported into the DAW, otherwise comparisons would be very difficult.
every mix I'll download that doesn't line up will not be auditioned (by me), so won't get my vote

Thanks for clearing this up
Why are we also posting the guitars only clip? Are both the mixdown and guitarclip entering the competition?
Why are we also posting the guitars only clip? Are both the mixdown and guitarclip entering the competition?

Because if you are suspected of having anything on the backing track or master bus, they can plop the guitars only on the backing track and see how it compares.
Because if you are suspected of having anything on the backing track or master bus, they can plop the guitars only on the backing track and see how it compares.

So we aren't allowed to master our mixdowns then haha, luckily I didn't... But that should be put in the rules.
Just sent the email :)

It's a pity we'll end up hating this awesome song because of the number of times we will have listened to it

Make moar! :rock:
it clearly says that in the first post.

I do have some outboard processing on my guitarbus though, but that was allowed as far as I know

Yup, no problem


I have 14 submissions emails so far. Don't take the links down yet, I'll download them all in one go later