Guitarists. hah.

CliffBurton said:
you cal it eitherway, I've been calling it Db and I have never been corrected by freinds, or skilled musicians and msuic professers.

So suck my dick retard

though it is technically the same note, as far as key sigs go, the correct terminology is C#.
Well, since this whole argument is about tuning, it's fine to call it C# or Db.

If you were talking about keys, you can have DbMaj, but not Dbmin.

"The flatted pitches correspond to the black keys of the piano. Its relative minor is B-flat minor, and its parallel minor is C-sharp minor, since D-flat minor, which would contain 8 flats, is not normally used. Thus, in his Prelude No. 15 in D-flat major, Frédéric Chopin switches to C-sharp minor for the middle section."

Db major scale:

Not really sure why I posted that, but it looks cool.
Jaen said:
though it is technically the same note, as far as key sigs go, the correct terminology is C#.
ok you fucking retard.
i've been taught almost 9 years by one of the best 10 piano players in my country and there isnt a fucking CORRECT terminology.
it depends from what note you are refering to. if you tune "down" from e it would be Db, if you tune "up" from C it would be C#.
look @ this, we have a Cmin scale, you are minoring e & b:

and here, we have a d scale, it's Dmaj, you are majoring the f & c:

<-Warheart-> said:
Thus, in his Prelude No. 15 in D-flat major, Fr&#233;d&#233;ric Chopin switches to C-sharp minor for the middle section.
played that, fucking speedy one ;P
HomerJ_123 said:
ok you fucking retard.
i've been taught almost 9 years by one of the best 10 piano players in my country and there isnt a fucking CORRECT terminology.
it depends from what note you are refering to. if you tune "down" from e it would be Db, if you tune "up" from C it would be C#.
look @ this, we have a Cmin scale, you are minoring e & b:

and here, we have a d scale, it's Dmaj, you are majoring the f & c:

played that, fucking speedy one ;P
HomerJ_123 said:
ok you fucking retard.
i've been taught almost 9 years by one of the best 10 piano players in my country and there isnt a fucking CORRECT terminology.
it depends from what note you are refering to. if you tune "down" from e it would be Db, if you tune "up" from C it would be C#.
look @ this, we have a Cmin scale, you are minoring e & b:

and here, we have a d scale, it's Dmaj, you are majoring the f & c:

played that, fucking speedy one ;P

Wow, I can't believe this is still being argued. I thougt this was more common knowledge than this. And I have limited knowledge of music theory and scales. Actually....I can only remember like 6 of the concert scales from high school.
imisseverygood showbecauseiam5 said:

1) who cares
2) I call it Db, and people I talk to say "okay", becasue they understand what I mean.
3) If I'm ever in a band with you, You can correct me all you want
4) Again, who the fuck cares.

I wrote a song in the Key of H, lick my sack
HomerJ_123 said:
ok you fucking retard.
i've been taught almost 9 years by one of the best 10 piano players in my country and there isnt a fucking CORRECT terminology.
it depends from what note you are refering to. if you tune "down" from e it would be Db, if you tune "up" from C it would be C#.
look @ this, we have a Cmin scale, you are minoring e & b:

and here, we have a d scale, it's Dmaj, you are majoring the f & c:

played that, fucking speedy one ;P
bless thee :notworthy
imisseverygood showbecauseiam5 said:
:lol: =*** favourite forum troll :blush:
HomerJ_123 said:
aehmmm ok.....
before anyone fucks you because of that idiotic question, i'll give you a chance
1) how long do ya play?
2) what have you been playing?
3) how long were you usually practizing / day
4) how long did you try the cob songs?

and, yeah there's not much "know how to do it", you are able to do it or not -> not perfect yet but how long do ya think were i practizing for that?

well i play for at least 4 years i think. most i play metal or emo. i think 1 to 2 hours a day and i can't remember how long i tried these songs but i am just 13 so that could be a reason why i can't play these songs as fast as alexi.
but thnx anyway! rock on!!
definityXS said:
well i play for at least 4 years i think. most i play metal or emo. i think 1 to 2 hours a day and i can't remember how long i tried these songs but i am just 13 so that could be a reason why i can't play these songs as fast as alexi.
but thnx anyway! rock on!!
well it's not a matter of age... just start learning the songs in parts, and VERY SLOW. and, you dont make the speed, when you learned it enough the speed increases without you forcing it. just be patient.
:rock: :rock:
HomerJ_123 said:
ok you fucking retard.
i've been taught almost 9 years by one of the best 10 piano players in my country and there isnt a fucking CORRECT terminology.
it depends from what note you are refering to. if you tune "down" from e it would be Db, if you tune "up" from C it would be C#.
look @ this, we have a Cmin scale, you are minoring e & b:

and here, we have a d scale, it's Dmaj, you are majoring the f & c:

played that, fucking speedy one ;P

oooo more black dots and lines? do they mean something?

BloodyScalpel said:
:lol: =*** favourite forum troll :blush:

vote for me in the next forum troll thingy!! :D:D

War_Blade said:
... after i made all those threads for you???


ah sorry :( can we share him? :D
HomerJ_123 said:
well it's not a matter of age... just start learning the songs in parts, and VERY SLOW. and, you dont make the speed, when you learned it enough the speed increases without you forcing it. just be patient.
:rock: :rock:

okay i will :rock: thnx a lot dude ( i could figure it out by myself but i'm just to lazy:lol:
War_Blade said:
no shit dumbass. They use drop tuning also.

Not to argue or anything, but they actually don't. They play in standard 7 string tunning, all strings down a step (instead of B to E, you have A to D).
HomerJ_123 said:
aehmmm ok.....
before anyone fucks you because of that idiotic question, i'll give you a chance
1) how long do ya play?
2) what have you been playing?
3) how long were you usually practizing / day
4) how long did you try the cob songs?

and, yeah there's not much "know how to do it", you are able to do it or not -> not perfect yet but how long do ya think were i practizing for that?

dude what kind of amplifier do you have it sounds pretty good in that movie:rock: i only have a roland cube 30 and an ibanez sa 120:ill: (well that is a good start)
HomerJ_123 said:
aehmmm ok.....
before anyone fucks you because of that idiotic question, i'll give you a chance
1) how long do ya play?
2) what have you been playing?
3) how long were you usually practizing / day
4) how long did you try the cob songs?

and, yeah there's not much "know how to do it", you are able to do it or not -> not perfect yet but how long do ya think were i practizing for that?

Is that an SZ I see you playing?

If so , rock on.

If not. Well, then meh. Thats cool too. I guess. Not really though. Ibanez ownz.
its an ibanez sz520 and i dont like it. gonna the jackson-stars rr-j2sp hehe ;)

amp is mesa/boogie dual rectifier 100W @ fender deville 4x10 cab :) well could have better one but it's ok for the start... well, the mesa is mine but the box if of my father so wtf
well it still sounds good. the cube wich i play with sounds very good for it's price but it can be a lot better.