Guitarists: Prepare to be disheartened

I just watched it all the way through... pretty fucking ridiculous! At what age, or practice regiment do you have to start to acomplish that at 8!

People are bizarre.

Dark Thane said:
eh, he's good, but not that good. he can fly through the basic scales, but when he does a bend its pretty off.
i've been playing for 15 years, once you learn and understand solo techniques, speed isn't really an obstacle, it looks much harder than it is to the untrained eye.
interesting video though :)

Thank you, Thane. Speed is the most overrated technique in the history of guitar. I've seen guitar technicians of the same style come and go, and I have yet to be impressed by a shredding wanker. An eight year old doing it makes no difference.

I also pity the boy, and the four year old drummer, who will continue to live antisocial lives. They will never learn communication skills, they will never have much for recreation purposes, they'll linger around other musicians, or incompetent humans, and they will continue to live an empty and entirely meaningless life. Someone should help these kids, and the dipshit parents encouraging it.
You've got to be fucking kidding, dude. While I won't comment on the possible negative effects on the kid's mental growth, and I agree with you that speed is a purely physical task, it's the same as if the kid ran a 3-minute mile. It's not MUSICAL, but it's still something that he's obviously worked hard on and has a knack for. To sit there and say, "Meh, it's OK" is fucking ignorant. That kid is amazing.