guys from band if u can read this...u shoul consider not come to mexico

its because of people like you that the us is so hated around the world.....
No, actually, because I am not an imperialist who favors unilateral intervention in foreign nations at the behest of my friends in the military-industrial sector. People who think that Mexico has serious issues and is not an ideal vacation spot are commonly known as people with common sense. I have nothing against the Mexican people or Mexico's geographic location or anything, they just have serious fucking problems.

Stoneheart said:
So... New York? New York doesn't have a serious crime problem, despite popular conception, there's no issue with infectious disease, and there's honestly nowhere else quite like New York, so wrong on all counts.

@Bates: see what I said about the crime rate; murder rate is higher in Boston, actually. There aren't many areas of the US that have as serious a crime problem as Mexico. They tell you not to stop at stop lights at night so you don't get carjacked, and you're supposed to keep a cell phone in the trunk so that when you do get carjacked you can call the cops, who may or may not give a shit because they're busy fighting the drug dealers who are essentially a private army. It's not in any way analogous to anywhere in the US.

For Mexico sake, I hope things get better.
No, actually, because I am not an imperialist who favors unilateral intervention in foreign nations at the behest of my friends in the military-industrial sector. People who think that Mexico has serious issues and is not an ideal vacation spot are commonly known as people with common sense. I have nothing against the Mexican people or Mexico's geographic location or anything, they just have serious fucking problems. New York doesn't have a serious crime problem, despite popular conception, there's no issue with infectious disease, and there's honestly nowhere else quite like New York, so wrong on all counts.

@Bates: see what I said about the crime rate; murder rate is higher in Boston, actually. There aren't many areas of the US that have as serious a crime problem as Mexico. They tell you not to stop at stop lights at night so you don't get carjacked, and you're supposed to keep a cell phone in the trunk so that when you do get carjacked you can call the cops, who may or may not give a shit because they're busy fighting the drug dealers who are essentially a private army. It's not in any way analogous to anywhere in the US.

That sounds a bit liek Detroit actually. Also, some friends of mine went to Mexico on holiday, and they were fine.
That sounds a bit liek Detroit actually. Also, some friends of mine went to Mexico on holiday, and they were fine.

I went to Detroit was the scariest 16hrs of my life. But then there are bad areas friend is a police officer in a city near me...and he showed me a map of thier patrols and about half the city was marked in red for areas they dont want the officers going to alone.
lol where I am its rly not bad, most of the time cops patrol alone, but whenever I go to a show they're always teamed up when they do drivebys. I guess us metalheads are pretty damn scary.
Here, in the Paris metro (subway or tube...) I saw some asian people with masks on...
there are about three cases of swine flew in France, two of which are in Paris and seem to have been treated well enough to not be lethal. Way to be damn paranoid.

But nonetheless, the governments being cautious is a good thing. May as well treat it like a huge global threat now just in case.
As far as the original topic goes, as far as I know most of the spreading of the flu is through physical contact with a sick person (from what I've heard) so as long as it dosen't mutate, and Amon Amarth keeps their distance from the crowd, they'll proboably be all right. Just don't let people touch them, no stage dives, exc.

This is kind of unrealted, but I went to a Hatebreed concert in their home town last night and when I came out of the venue, there was like a half dozen ambulances, people in stretchers, and cop cars stopping traffic. I'm not sure what happened, but it goes to who that no place is perfect.
Actually, bathory, it just goes to show that people get in fights at Hatebreed shows, not exactly a point that needed proving.

No one has died outside of Mexico. I'm not worried.
Actually, bathory, it just goes to show that people get in fights at Hatebreed shows, not exactly a point that needed proving.

No one has died outside of Mexico. I'm not worried.

Actually little kid died in Houston...but then again I think they were from Mexico I dont remember
Im pretty sure the kid was there on vacation, but that makes you think: what about all the mexicans who might be passing it on and arent in mexico....impossible to keep track of people on that scale, the nazis tried and failed badly
That guy who died out of Mexico was an illegal Mexican immigrant. So I should say only mexicans have died from this. I'm not worried.
Biggest over hyped news ever. I am still counting the deaths on my hands. Always wondered how all these mutated disease pop up at always the worse time of the year. Like it just happened the month Tamiflu stock from the last bird flu 3-4 years ago expired. It is also worth noting that Rumsfeld at the time Sec. of Defense had pushed the Bush adm. to have Tamiflu stockpiled in Pentagon contracts for the case of pandemics and the US had spent literally millions of USD buying Tamiflu that was almost never used. Do your own research, in the mean time, I am still laughing at people who think the sky is about to fall because of some swine flu coming from some pig in a remote Mexican village. Add to it the accounts from many travelers who had to stop their vacations and testified the news had been so over hyped.

Just here are a few facts about the Tamiflu stocks from the last "bird" flu.

"Bird Flu"
Do you know that 'bird flu' was discovered in Vietnam 9 years ago?
Do you know that barely 100 people have died in the whole world in all that time?
Do you know that it was the Americans who alerted us to the efficacy of the human antiviral TAMIFLU as a preventative?
Do you know that TAMIFLU barely alleviates some symptoms of the common flu?
Do you know that its efficacy against the common flu is questioned by a great part of the scientific community?
Do you know that against a SUPPOSED mutant virus such as H5N1, TAMIFLU barely alleviates the illness?
Do you know that to date Avian Flu affects birds only?
Do you know who markets TAMIFLU?
Do you know who bought the patent for TAMIFLU from ROCHE LABORATORIES in 1996?
Do you know who was the then president of GILEAD SCIENCES INC. and remains a major shareholder?
DONALD RUMSFELD, the present Secretary of Defence of the USA.
Do you know that the base of TAMIFLU is crushed aniseed?
Do you know who controls 90% of the world's production of this tree?
Do you know that sales of TAMIFLU were over $254 million in 2004 and more than $1000 million in 2005?
Do you know how many more millions ROCHE can earn in the coming months if the business of fear continues?
Biggest over hyped news ever. I am still counting the deaths on my hands. Always wondered how all these mutated disease pop up at always the worse time of the year. Like it just happened the month Tamiflu stock from the last bird flu 3-4 years ago expired. It is also worth noting that Rumsfeld at the time Sec. of Defense had pushed the Bush adm. to have Tamiflu stockpiled in Pentagon contracts for the case of pandemics and the US had spent literally millions of USD buying Tamiflu that was almost never used. Do your own research, in the mean time, I am still laughing at people who think the sky is about to fall because of some swine flu coming from some pig in a remote Mexican village. Add to it the accounts from many travelers who had to stop their vacations and testified the news had been so over hyped.

Rumsfeld is a warmongering piece of shit and I would love to see him rightfully prosecuted but this brand of conspiracy nonsense is equally pathetic.

Making light about the bird flu and the swine flu situations is absolutely unfounded. We are lucky enough to have things like the internet where we can become made aware of these cases as they happen and mobilize against it quickly, but that doesn't make the threat of the virus itself any less. "Bird flu" still exists and is STILL a threat, it's just that the media doesn't deem it fitting to report on it since 2005 or so. However, that doesn't mean the potential of it mutating into a virus that specifically targets humans isn't possible.

Do you know that 'bird flu' was discovered in Vietnam 9 years ago?

lol wot. We've known about bird flu for like hundreds of years. It killed millions of people during World War I.

Do you know that barely 100 people have died in the whole world in all that time?

That's because it hasn't yet mutated. Just because the media refuses to report on it doesn't mean that the virus is suddenly dead. We mobilized against it at an incredible rate which helped, but the potential of it mutating still exists and it's not something we should make light of.

Do you know that TAMIFLU barely alleviates some symptoms of the common flu?

I'd like to see see a legitimate source on this, since most legitimate sources say that Tamiflu is one of the best influenza drugs that exists. Obviously the influenza vaccination is a much better alternative though...

Do you know that its efficacy against the common flu is questioned by a great part of the scientific community?

Source from a legitimate, peer-reviewed publication please (in other words, not some libertarian conspiracy whacko site).

Do you know that to date Avian Flu affects birds only?

Because the avain flu never mutated to affect humans... yet. That's not to say that it will, but logically speaking, if the possibility exists, then it's possible.