Has anyone else experienced this?


Dec 5, 2005
Gbg sweden
I checked out the lamentations dvd gig for the first time in a very long time, and came to think of what huge effect everything else but the music has made on the band after that, a certain degree of mystique got lost from opeth with all these music videos, interviews and such... i got the same chills from the dvd that i got years ago. there was a special thing about opeth when they were more anonymous, and even though i think mikael is an awesome comedian live nowadays, the more laid back style suited mike better. Opeth are still one of my favourite bands, but i miss that feeling from listening to an opeth cd. But it could just be a simple thing like first time crush that has faded slightly. I gotta say though, that i'm more than happy that opeth have finally got the recognition they deserve!
i think everyone feels the way you do, it was cooler when opeth was more anonymous, but yeah they're just getting the recognition they deserve. also, my obsession with opeth has slowly but steadily declined over the years (actually, with the release of GR but let's not get into that) so that's a perfectly reasonable factor in that fading "mystique".
We should occasionally discuss Opeth over here, it will probably be a more stimulating conversation and be less likely to turn into a train wreck. I agree with the KOI and Philno. Which is odd because usually I'll disagree with at least one of the first two posters in an Opeth discussion.
Yeah I remember the days of going to a cd store, and spelling out the name Opeth to the dude at the counter (This is before mp3's), to see if they had it on their catalogue. And wondering what they looked like. And Mikael not having a stache. And back then opeth were all foresty, rather than all proggy.

Deathspell Omega, now THEY'RE mysterious.
^haha yeah I remember being like o-p-e-t-h? Foresty>>prog IMOZ. Dso are masters of shrouding. It appears they are more doing it for the sake of it just being about releasing music and that's it rather than, we're so KVLT UP IN MOUNTians ov knoRWAY knot karing abut masz Mediea.
Well, the cover of Kenose is mysterious. Like tbh wtf the fuck is it? A cross section of a weasels brain? A Snake in a blendtek blender? Aborted fetuses fished out of public toilets? What? But then again, a mysterious album cover is good. Like Morningrise used to be mysterious, then we learn it's some bridge in Bath, Enlgand, then I see that bridge on a docomentary about british architecture on the ABC like last week or something.. As for DSO's drummer, I just wanna find who they are, so I can stalk them, and manbabies and such..

Also, I remember when opeth, as mysterious as they were, seeing vids in their early days of touring, like orchid, morningrise days, when they were nervously up on stage, stuffing up songs, breaking strings, having technical difficulties. And these days Mikael struts the stage with confidence, telling jokes and what not. But yeah, they worked really hard to get where they are now.
^A guy on here a while back wanted to know why I have vaginas in my signature. I want to know who dso drummer is so I can shake his hand for being an insanely good drummer. Although he would probably break my hand as his arms must be fucking strong.
It is pretty odd they don't at least tell the public all the band members. No website, myspace, gigs, barely any press, that's all cool, but at least tell us the names of all the members.
I used to be the only person I knew who listened to Opeth. I turned a bunch of friends onto em. Anyway, one day at school I see a kid I showed them to. He had an Opeth shirt, with that erkish Ghost Reveries photoshoot pic. And I'm like, "dude where'd you get the shirt?"

"Hot Topic!"

Yeah I remember the days of going to a cd store, and spelling out the name Opeth to the dude at the counter (This is before mp3's), to see if they had it on their catalogue. And wondering what they looked like. And Mikael not having a stache. And back then opeth were all foresty, rather than all proggy.

Deathspell Omega, now THEY'RE mysterious.

"foresty", yes, that's the word i'm looking for XD
And yeah,When i was a total opeth fanboy..the mystery of the band enthralled me.. I remember BWP seeming so incredibly insane and immensely atmospheric.. It is.. But now it really doesn't have the kick that was initially there for me. But as i became more obsessed with the band, i wanted to know loads about them... And ended up killing the mystery. Then came the decline of my fanboyism.. And i kind of learnt to not be a total fanboy anymore.

Opeth used to be my favourite band, but now there's a fair few bands who i prefer to them. It's just part of growing up really.