Has anyone else experienced this?

And yeah,When i was a total opeth fanboy..the mystery of the band enthralled me.. I remember BWP seeming so incredibly insane and immensely atmospheric.. It is.. But now it really doesn't have the kick that was initially there for me. But as i became more obsessed with the band, i wanted to know loads about them... And ended up killing the mystery. Then came the decline of my fanboyism.. And i kind of learnt to not be a total fanboy anymore.

Opeth used to be my favourite band, but now there's a fair few bands who i prefer to them. It's just part of growing up really.

i suffered that same thing, i needed to know more about opeth, that's how i found this forum, and this forum destroyed a big part of opeth imo. I disagree on the growing up part though, i think that if i was to discover opeth for the first time tomorrow it would be the same as then.
I've never really thought of Opeth as mysterious, but then again there are no bands that I find mysterious. I used to be more obsessive about them, but I'm trying to branch out more. There's no point in stagnation, right?
The more great music I discover the more my fanboyism fades. Opeth are still one of my all time favorite bands, within the top 5. And mayh, sl and bwp especially have never gotten remotely old and will always be amongst my very favorite albums of all time. While the mystery was a lot more enthralling and it did help my fanboyism decline, it doesn't really bother me now I know heaps about them, but it does make a difference. I've been listening to metal for about 12 years now and tbh I think there are bands out there that have grown better. It wasn't so much that Opeth's material between mayh through bwp was the best metal I'd heard, I'm yet to find anything within that period that challenges it. In terms of the last few years I have found way more bands that not only challenge some of their material but their best as well. Plus Opeth are a lot more human than they used to be, everything after bwp there are albums within metal that are better IMO. So in conclusion, I think it's moreso the further I dig the more I realize they aren't gods gift, a few contemporary bands seem to have grown better than them as a combination of Opeth declining and other artists improving.
I think it's also a matter of I was so obsessed with Opeth and listened to them so much other artists for a few years didn't get as much of a spin. And there was a solid year of so where I rarely sought out new music. In the last 4 years or so I'm pretty much constantly on the look out for new music so I have to spread my fanboyism's across heaps of bands. I guess that helped shrink my obsession over them.
Opeth were definitely one of those 'epiphany' bands for me.. And i think part of what also got me so obsessed with them was i was getting more seriously into songwriting.. And i remember hearing Advent and thinking 'what the fuck.. i know metallica mixed some acoustic guitar with distorted guitar.. But this is fucking insane!'

Also, learning fuckloads of opeth songs on guitar definitely .. Lost the magic - part of what fascinated me was, when i first started listening to them.. I had absolutely no idea how to play most of their stuff.. Was only really a powerchord player.. Learnt the songs and was fascinated at the way they structured the guitars. And whilst i still occasionally get the same sort of fascination over opeth.. It's worn off a fair bit.