Has anyone randomly met Opeth?


Sep 16, 2003
San Diego
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Outside of official appearances at venues and in-stores that is. I was at the beach the other day at the bar that they play at when they come to San Diego.

I imagined how cool it would be to see them just out drinking beer or sightseeing. So you go up to them and fucking flip out (well, I would) and nobody else around knows that they are in the presence of one of the best bands in the world...but you do.
I was walking around in downtown Boulder,Colorado the night before the scheduled opeth show. I'm wearing my opeth shirt talking about opeth with my sister as we're walking. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice someone sitting on a parkbench 4 feet to my left staring at me. I look over and it's Martin Lopez.
Yeah, I saw Peter walking around outside of the venue in Boulder, same show you're talkin about, and no one noticed that it was him except for me and a buddy hehe.
Leper_/-\ffinity said:
Yeah, I saw Peter walking around outside of the venue in Boulder, same show you're talkin about, and no one noticed that it was him except for me and a buddy hehe.
Haha Yeah. The day of the show, everyone waiting in line did not seem to notice Peter and the rest of the guys walking about.

Throughout the day of the show, they were all walking around the venue up and down the street going into stores and record shops. I met up with Lopez and hung out with him that morning, but thats a different story.

But the night before the show(Outside of official appearances), I didn't expect to run into Lopez. I had never been in Boulder, I was just out walking at night looking to kill time, looking for something to do.
Haha, that sounds awesome. I was trying to force a situation like that, by looking for Opeth before the gig started, but they only arrived to the venue before the gig started. It was quite funny because Lopez made his way around the entire crowd near the front, to watch the opening band play - Nobody seemed to realize.
Tool said:
Nope, but I met Howard Dean randomly on the street, if that counts. *grins*
Haha what are the odds so have I... actualy I got him pissed off at me. I was delivering news papers and had to stop in the middle of the road because a huge crowed made it impossible to park or pull to the side. So I had to hold up traffic for a bit, and he came up to my window and started bitching that I was gona make him late for his speech lmao. I told him to fuck off and drove off (this was his govenor days before he ran for prez).

And I met Peter in Worcester Mass the morning of the concert I got to the venue 8 hours early and was the first person there. and I also ate brekfast with the bass in Devil Driver, there music sucks but he was a cool guy. But thats not really random it was on the day of the show.
i was walking down the street in sweden one day...and well i thought i was going into a pizzahut, but it turns out it was akerfelts house so yea i met him there. he was in pajamas. well he gave me his pizza that he had just orderd from the pizzahut so i was happy. and then i took a plane back to jersey and went to bed. :|

yea idk...btw i just came back from cannibal corpse and black dahlia. wow crazy shit. not so sure bout cannibal lol it all sounded the same but eh....wow black dahlia kicks some major ass. MAJOR!!!!!!!
kno talint said:
i was walking down the street in sweden one day...and well i thought i was going into a pizzahut, but it turns out it was akerfelts house so yea i met him there. he was in pajamas. well he gave me his pizza that he had just orderd from the pizzahut so i was happy. and then i took a plane back to jersey and went to bed. :|

yea idk...btw i just came back from cannibal corpse and black dahlia. wow crazy shit. not so sure bout cannibal lol it all sounded the same but eh....wow black dahlia kicks some major ass. MAJOR!!!!!!!

hahaha, awesome story about meeting mr.akerfeldt.

also, i'm seeing black dahlia with goatwhore in august, can't wait.
I was walking down the street towards a Wawa (like a 7-11) and i said to my friend "dude thats Opeth up there" and he said "yeah, those guys are definite metal heads" as in, he just figured it was some group of fans. We get closer, turns out to be Peter and the martins just walking down the street before the show in Philadelphia. It was sweet, got some autographs.