Have you ever jerked off at work?


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about 10 years ago, i used to work as "an assistant", which meant just doing stuff online all day, one day i finished my entire day's worth of scheduled work in just one hour, and i'm supposed to be online all day, so i go to look at online fanfic for the first time ever and i suddenly realize that most of the fanfic that i can find is erotica, and some of it is actually interesting, i get myself hard, then i start looking at picture porn, and i realize that i'm in a fucking cubicle where no one can see me, and i've already got a box of Kleenex at my desk cuz my nose has been slowly dripping blood for an hour and a half, so i just silently jacked off into the Kleenex thinking nobody saw me, but when all my co-workers decided to take me with them so we could all eat lunch together, they all just started talking to the waitresses about how starving i should be because i'd just spent all that energy jacking-off in the office, it was kinda embarrassing
Meh, this forum has been such a bad influence on my life for the past 2 years. The past month or so during which I had no connection to RC was actually happy and pleasant. Maybe it's not so much RC, but doing something other than sitting in a chair staring at a computer screen for a couple hours a day. I dunno.

what the fuck am i doing here

lurch's post was funny, too