Have you ever met COB?

Mammoth said:
Haven't either BUT I spent time with all of Slayer while they were shooting "Seasons in the Abyss" vid in Egypt. Cool guys, reeked of alcohol though!!!! :lol:

Cool! That Seasons in the Abyss vid is kinda old but I love it!
When was it shot and how old were you at that time? How did you get in touch with the guys and what happened?
i've never met them.. but if the day comes it will come!
and i will not flatter them with "youre the best fucking band ever"
i wanna drink some daniels and check out the girls with the guys.. that would be most meroable :)
C-Taylor said:
I met them when Alexi was drunk out of his head taking advantage of a tree, in Hong Kong, Japan.
Hong kong is in China,


I met Jaska and Alexi at the Ogden in Denver COlorado, after the show here last month, I got a pic with jaska and alexi, and alexi signed my fucking guitar.
:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
I met COB when they played the Milwaukee Metalfest in 2000. They did an autograph signing session. My boyfriend and I briefly conversed with Janne when they played in Austin, TX last year. My boyfriend did most of the talking though...my stomach was really upset for some reason and I had to run back into the club to go to the bathroom. How retarded.
i havent met them yet, i tried to meet them in DC, but we left early to get back to virginia beach (4 hours away), I was supposed to find Henkka and get a kiss...haha, i wish, but take a look at this email from Henkka in responce to an email i wrote him...I told him I would die if he wrote me back:

Don't die on me now!!!

so see you then, but i don't know who i am supposed to wait the kiss from...

Jayme Lester kirjoittaa tiistaina, 18. marraskuuta 2003, kello 20:32:


Jayme Lester kirjoittaa tiistaina, 4. marraskuuta 2003, kello 01:20:

I better get a kiss Henkka...haha;)
^ is this considered a legal document ? You could sue if he doesn't comply Perfect.....:p jk

Nah, I'd act like a complete idiot if I ever met them. So maybe it's a good thing I haven't met them.