have you found Nile inspirational?


-scented manbeef-
May 9, 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
I myself have been very much taken-in by Nile. I'm utterly fascinated by their lyrics and the time/consideration that has gone into their research.

has anyone been inspired by Nile to get into Egyptology?
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Yes, and I'm proud to say that I've converted a friend of mine into Egyptology, as well as away from music artists like Slipknot, Stone Sour, Godsmack, and the sort... He is now asking me for Opeth, In Flames, Arcturus, and of course... Nile.
not really, i've been always intrigued by Egyptian history and greek mythology as well but do I love Nile? yes I do:D
Not really...but I find Egyptology fascinating none the less. I did a lot of projects on the subject when I was in grade school...went to the Rosicrucian Museum, which is about an hour or so away from my home.

On the subject of Nile though (I know this is a bit off topic, but since we're talking about Nile), I was having a discussion about them the other day while picking up a few CD's (new Dark Tranquility and Incantation, both excellent). I was saying that Nile's drummer is so awe inspiring in his proficiency on drums that it can actually lull you into boredom. Insane? Maybe...in a perfect world you would just sit there and listen to it forever and be equally as impressed as the first second you hear it. However, I've noticed that instead you tend to hear the drumming and after a few minutes when you pick up your jaw off the floor...it's sort of "Ok, you impressed me, now show me something else". Which is a pretty unrealistic response, but it's just so damn good that it desensitizes you...like little kids watching violent movies to the point where nothing grosses them out or shocks them anymore.

Well, just my opinion...hope no one sees it as a bash on Nile...because really all I'm saying is the drumming is so incredible that it just blows your mind and makes all rational thought impossible.
Cool you should say that; I agree with you totally. I was also coerced into doing projects on Ancient Egyptian culture in my younger years and they were of course, fascinating. I've not looked into it since, but reading various fictional books (Wilbur Smith comes to mind) and the morbidity of Nile's work always reminds me of how deep and diverse the culture really was.

As for the drumming. I understand what you say completely. The thing I find most impressive is his/thier stamina. How any human could bash drums that fast and hard and constant for more than 2 or 3 songs is incredible.
Originally posted by MacMoney
I've found the drumming of Nile to be endlessly boring.

LOL!....well we all have our opinions, i suppose it isnt that amazing, but i agree with sculptedcold, how the fuck does he keep it up?!?!

i have found Nile to be quite inspirational, particularly the guitar work!
Originally posted by leper iffinity
LOL!....well we all have our opinions, i suppose it isnt that amazing, but i agree with sculptedcold, how the fuck does he keep it up?!?!

i have found Nile to be quite inspirational, particularly the guitar work!

Well, constant blastbeat... How much more boring can you get?
Originally posted by SoulVomitor
I'm surprised that "anyone" can play 2-3 songs of constant blastbeats without passing out.:devil:

I completely agree..blast beats kill me! I'd much rather listen to a drummer like Richard Christy..way more interesting. I've seen Nile a couple of times in concert (because they were with other bands I wanted to see) They are definetly tight..but way too much of the same for 30 minutes than I like..
I only heard one Nile song but I'm impressed. They remind me of Cannibal Corpse with Egyptian music. Can any of you recommend me some songs by them?